Trump call for new elections in Arizona

Every vote is sacred.
Every vote is great.
If a vote is wasted.
God gets quite irate.

Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground.
God shall make them pay for
Each vote that can’t be found.

Every vote is sacred.
Every vote is good.
Every vote is needed…
…In your neighborhood!

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There is nothing new in this type of Trump assertion. He is not speaking from fact; just playing his role as master cheerleader in a fight that doesn’t really exist.

They stayed.


Did you feel the same way in 2000, when the SCOTUS injected itself into a state recount?

How long did that take again?


Or…He is using that vast wasteland that is his cognitive functions when it comes pretty much everything including our political systems to make his statements.

When Donald Trump has nothing of value to contribute, he gives freely!

We didn’t go anywhere!


They went to an echo chamber so that their views cant be challenged. Cant say it bothers me.

…and are being flamed by the resident posters for being liberals. So funny


Agreed. It is up to the individual states to decide how to handle elections within their state. Everyone else needs to mind their own business.

They are terrified. Anyone who has been to Arizona, knows it’s no longer a red state.

Sienna up over 30,000 now. She’s gonna win this one.


Ugh, Sinema. Autocorrect really wants it to be Sienna.

Blue Wave.

There’s a lot of evidence Russia interfered in our election. Some very important people are saying that we should have new elections in places where Democrats won when they shouldn’t have.

First delegitimize the media: There is no truth, but me.
Then the elections: You are powerless, except through me.

Republicans crave to be dominated and sniff the leather under a comforting boot heel.

The Word made flesh!

i dont think that trump is like jesus instead hes more like one of the better apostles

none of the apostles ever became president so the edge goes to trump

I think it is important to take Trump seriously, literally, and metaphorically. I can’t name one promise that he’s ever broken. I’m not saying that he’s never broken a promise. But I can’t name it. It isn’t in me.

This is TDS at it’s finest. We need to ignore everything Trump says and does because he doesn’t mean any of it. He’s just trying to get rich, and what’s the problem with that?