Trump buckles to domestic pressure, USMCA being re-negotated with a number of changes

I just heard its going to a vote and the audacity of Nancy to claim the credit. :roll_eyes: There is just no shame boundary the Dems won’t cross, they make me sick! :face_vomiting:


She’s taking credit for the changes that were negotiated. Without the changes, the president would not be able to get it though.

So credit goes to Nancy and trump for the willingness to compromise on such an important trade agreement.


The Dems pushed for what they wanted in the bill and got it. So it’s now a Dem friendly billl. Not necessarily taking credit but as Republican senator Pat Toomey said

“There’s no question it’s moved way to the left.”

Trump needs a win bad and will even take passing a Dem favored bill. And the GOP doesn’t have the stomach to fight Trump right now. Pelosi has been extremely shrewd on this one.

For once trump compromised, a really good move cause he really wants this.

No compromise. No trade bill. It was as simple as that.


Don’t be so hard on him. Even smart, capable Republicans got rolled like this for years.

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Nancy has had a rough couple weeks volunteering for Trump 2020 reelection.

She can take all the credit she needs.

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Welcome to politics. This is the way the game is played. Both parties take credit for anything that passes :man_shrugging:

I’m not sure how “important” this agreement ultimately is. Politically important perhaps. But as far as being beneficially important, I’m still of the mindset it is lacking.

Is good for specific people. Such as an automotive worker in Mexico or a CanadĂĄ buying stuff online from America.


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Indeed. But overall it’s hardly revolutionary. Negligible changes at the margins.

This will make buying LEGO much easier for CJ.

Yep enforcements mechanisms.

“There is no question that this trade agreement is much better than NAFTA. It is infinitely better than what was initially proposed by the administration,” Pelosi said during a Tuesday press conference. “We’re declaring victory for the American worker.”

Behind closed doors, Pelosi insisted that Democrats had the upper hand on the trade deal and out-strategized the GOP.

“We ate their lunch,” Pelosi said in a caucus meeting, according to CNN reporter Manu Radu


It is funny how Trump just got another campaign promise and some how Nancy ate his lunch.

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As I have said before it’s a win win.

Trump got his campaign promise, and Nancy got massive labor improvements in the new agreement.


Big Mac?

Nutty Nancy needed the font size a tad larger.