Trump brokerage fee from Russia?

If such a smoking gun existed there is zero chance it wouldn’t have leaked by now.

G[quote=“WildRose, post:41, topic:794, full:true”]
If such a smoking gun existed there is zero chance it wouldn’t have leaked by now.

Mueller seems to be enjoying running under the radar until its too late for the culprits. I think you are confusing him with the WH

I’m not confusing anything. We get leaks from the Mueller team a couple of times a week at least.

zero chance?

that’s a little hyperbolic

The last year and a half shows otherwise. There’s no way a bomb like that doesn’t leak.

Well, yeah. You can always just pretend something might exist.

Go ahead and mediate on those things and pleas share your conclusions when you finish.

I disagree. If Mueller possesss such intel, then it would make sense it has not leaked yet. Mueller has run a completely leak free investigation.

Now, that is a far cry from saying it is true, of which there is zero evidence.

Ha. Oh wait, are you serious? Show us one single example of a leak originating from the Mueller team. Just one.

Only after he shares his info with someone. That’s when the leaks happen.

Cohen has claimed he is part of this group.