Trump blames Harvey Victims; claims they were watching the Hurricane

President Donald Trump, on a conference call Wednesday with state and federal leaders as Texas prepares for another harrowing hurricane season, thanked the Coast Guard for helping save thousands during Hurricane Harvey last year.
But later in the call, Trump made a claim that took many state leaders and first responders by surprise.
“They saved 16,000 people, many of them in Texas, for whatever reason that is,” Trump said. “People went out in their boats to watch the hurricane. That didn’t work out too well.”

Yeah, no. I work at a Texas TV station and we were covering that live. I was watching live feeds every morning of people in their boats either trying to stay alive, or rescuing others. Nobody was on boats watching the hurricane.

I can’t beleive this feckless moron is our President.

Well, that was stupid.

I bet most of his supporters will believe this crap.

Like most democrats when it came to “Shovel Ready” and "if you like your… ".

Most sycophants won’t question anything coming out of their leader’s mouths.

You were doing ok there for a minute but you can’t resist it, can you? Lol!


Are you denying that there are people who get a thrill out of sticking around to witness a disaster first hand? News flash, it happens. Fools and thrill seekers do exist.

He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shad.

But a tool he is.


I suppose someone had to Trump 'splain.

Not sure why a person would volunteer for that but there ya go.

Abbott told reporters from the Houston Chronicle he had “no information one way or the other about that.”

“I’ll be sure to invite the president to ride out the next hurricane in a jon boat in Galveston Bay the next time one approaches,” -Sheriff Ed Gonzalez

Are you suggesting the Coast Guard has to rescue countless Texans who were thrill-seeking by watching the hurricane in their boats? If so, do you have proof? Or was this post just a knee-jerk reaction where you felt you had to defend Trump no matter what? :thinking:

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Storms are fascinating, no doubt. We live about 6 blocks from a good sized lake. Several years ago we stood on our back deck watching as a huge funnel cloud formed over the lake, planning to head to the basement if it started coming our way. I can assure you that we would not have taken a boat out onto the lake to watch it. And that wouldn’t have been nearly as strong as a hurricane. It would take a special kind of crazy people to do that. I’m sure there’s a few that would, but not many.

Well, it’s Texas. Trump may have a point on this one.




Careful Lucy my dear, I have a great number of friends in that beautiful state.

Back at ya pal. Do you have proof they weren’t?

Wait, what? Are you asking me to prove a negative? Come on brother, you’ve been around here long enough to not do that.

And I’ll ask again, since you seemed intent on avoiding the three questions posed to you…

  1. Are you suggesting the Coast Guard has to rescue countless Texans who were thrill-seeking by watching the hurricane in their boats?

  2. If so, do you have proof?

  3. Or was this post just a knee-jerk reaction where you felt you had to defend Trump no matter what?

Not from boats they don’t.

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Donald has the very best words.

As usual, the orange idiot talking out of his ass.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told reporters following the Trump briefing that he had “no information one way or the other” about Trump’s claim that people were on the water to watch Harvey. But the outgoing speaker of the Texas House, Republican Joe Straus, rejected the idea Thursday.

“The people who took their boats into the water during Harvey were not storm-watchers,” Straus tweeted. “They were heroes who went toward danger to rescue friends, neighbors, strangers. Texans helping Texans in a time of desperate need.”

I just love this so much. Governor ■■■■■ Grabbed says he has no information one way or the other whether Texans en masse went out on boats to watch Harvey, requiring mass rescues.

Dude just bent over and let trump ■■■■ Texas. Lol. What a coward.