Trump belives covid is just going to disappear (still)

What D controlled states opened early?

Coordinating the response? What exactly do you want the central government to do that it is not already doing?

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We desperately need our president to take this seriously. Stop being weird about masks, be truthful with where we stand. This hopey changey “it’s just gonna go away probably I think” garbage is kicking the can further and further down the road, ultimately damaging the economy more and making more people sick. It would actually benefit him to do this, but he can’t see 4 inches from his own face.

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Sorry, nobody has made a list that I can find. Most articles just say most states that are easing restrictions haven’t met the federal guidelines.

What did he say yesterday about masks?


And Colorado

Well here’s a synopsis from

“I’m all for masks. I think masks are good,” Trump told Fox Business in an interview. “People have seen me wearing one.”

“If I were in a tight situation with people, I would absolutely,” Trump said in the interview.

“It looked like the Lone Ranger,” he continued, a reference to the fictional law-and-order character from the American Old West who wore a black eye mask. “I have no problem with that, and if people feel good about it, they should do it.”

Lone Ranger, eh?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America.
Kinda brings a tear to my eye.

Well there you go.

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Probably already posted on here, but I hope he doesn’t look like the Lone Ranger. If so, he needs someone to show him how to wear a face mask.



It’s impossible to have a two week decline in cases when probable cases are counted as cases , and the criteria for a probable case is that they sneezed, coughed or had a headache and they have been in contact with another probable case.


If the virus wasn’t important during the riots then it isn’t important now.

The dems will lose interest very quickly if Biden were to win. :roll_eyes:


National test and trace protocols and financial support, PPE distribution instead of leaving states to fend for themselves. Better leadership on re-opening decisions, return to the daily, or maybe 3 a week, COVID response team briefings to keep the country up to date.


Yeah, most of the charts I see just list states that have eased anything as ‘re-opening’ and that’s not quite accurate. Some states have just eased a few restrictions…hardley opening things back up…

It’s confusing.

I was earlier referring to the obvious ones in the news - like FL and TX which are truly closer to ‘open’ than most states.

that he looked like Lone Range when he put his mask on.

Which of course begs a question…


Yeah, that’s one for sure.

The response needs to be closely tailored, preferably on a county by county basis. Not managed top down by the central government.

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I don’t disagree, but the federal government should be using it’s central tech and purchasing power and leadership to make those jobs easier and more affordable.

There also should be some regional aspect to teh response. State lines are arbitrary to a virus.

Perhaps the president shouldnt of badgered the governors to reopen up before they were ready to. Maybe he shouldn’t of egged his supporters on to “liberate” these states ahead of schedule. Perhaps he could of promoted mask use so masks didn’t become a political cudgel with 1/3 of the country refusing to wear them.


Meaning its counterproductive for the President of the United States to tweet about liberating those regions and threatening Governors if they dont listen