Trump believes another dictator

If we know anything about Trump, he demands conclusive evidence before he believes anything.

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No I really want to know what he means by this post.

How and why does he think Trump has a better grasp of “what’s at stake here” than “blind Trump haters” and how have the results of these two summits shown that he has this better grasp and is thus progressing towards a future where NK will not be a “lost country” who might “one day use a nuclear weapon…even in a kamikaze act”?

Spell it out, @Smyrna…please don’t use word salads.

It means shut up and let Trump write love letters to Kim or else we are all dead.

Where was due process for Warmbier and Khashoggi?

I am with JayJay. I have no idea what this response means.

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There are levels of importance and almost all of what I witness each day that people focus on…is petty and accomplishes little to nothing. The summit was potentially of paramount importance. It turns out Kim wants to continue with his games and Trump walked out. To all those who said Trump is giving Kim credibility in the world by meeting with him…then applying that same standard, Kim now looks foolish. Will the media response then be positive or negative?

Here’s the before from NBC; Ahead of North Korea summit, concern about Trump’s gamble

Senior U.S. officials and North Korea experts are expressing mounting concerns that Trump will give away more than he gets in return.

That didn’t happen so surely NBC will report that? Let’s see.

Here’s the after; North Korea is still producing ballistic missiles after summit

Satellite photos and U.S. intelligence show North Korea continues to work on its missile program, even after Trump and Kim Jong Un’s meeting in Singapore.

No matter what…there is no pleasing the MSM where Trump is concerned and there is little to nothing positive ever reported. I consider Trump walking out a negotiating tactic and exactly what he said he would do if Kim came to play games? This being said, we can all watch and listen today to how it’s all being reported and my guesstimate is…it will all be negative and Trump is baaaaaa, baaaaaa, baaaaaaad?

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Negotiations always go better when you start off insulting the head of the nation you’re negotiating with.


There’s still no evidence to suggest the Saudi King was behind the assassination of Kashoggi who was not a journalist, he was an opinion writer and he was a Saudi Citizen.

As for Brennan, who cares what he has to say? He should be behind bars for lying to congress and leaking classified information.

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It’s remarkable to watch the lefties act disgusted at the possibility of peace just to spite the man in the office.

It means, “why don’t you just give Trump a pass on EVERYTHING like I do?!? Trump is my hero. Trump is god. Trump is the only non-deep state president we’ve ever had, and he’s better than a Kenyan.”

That’s a translation of the post. That’s what it means.

Trumplicans endeavor to make the levels of importance all equal to zero.

When Sean was on the Vietnam honeymoon vacay, he literally said nothing of what Cohen was saying mattered. That is a crucial point to make… Trump sycophants have no excuses left for their colossal ■■■■ up, so they diminish everything negative he does. That way, they can divide and comment about how stupid everyone is for believing nonsense about their hero.

You are corroborating this with every post.

are you saying negotiations are off on the wrong foot if one party insults the other beforehand?

Minimize, deflect, attack.

Then let me point out that I will say both positive and negative things about Trump. You on the other hand, can find nothing on the positive side. Just the mere probability that there is NOTHING positive out there regarding your President, proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you are both wrong and unbalanced in your thinking.

Then you and the other libs and dems would have gushed embarrassingly at what a great leader and statesman Trump was.

Looks like fat donald just lost two supporters.
“No excuses or lavish praise can change that” ----Ouch!!

Two democrats!

Not Real Americans (™), probably illegals, certainly liberals and definitely Fake News.

  • First step in criminal justice reform
  • Letting the military take more decisive action against Isis.

But that’s mostly it. And with the regular policy disagreements like massive tax cuts for the rich and trying to take health care coverage to what it was before Obamacare, you add the extra abhorrent behavior and lies on a daily basis that just drowns out everything else. Kids in cages, both sidesing Charlottesville, covering for murder, lying every day about everything big and small but say something good about the president!

How many good things does trump have to do to counter “I like the ones that don’t get captured.”?

Otto’s family must feel so betrayed by this piece of ■■■■■ It’s sickening.

President Trump in his State of the Union speech hailed the family of Otto Warmbier as “powerful witnesses” to North Korea’s horrors - as the Warmbier family watched from a guest box in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“You are powerful witnesses to a menace that threatens our world, and your strength inspires us all,” Trump said. “Thank you very much.”

Their grief is no longer useful.