Trump asked the Georgia secretary of state to "find" votes to overturn the results

A lot of words coming out of his mouth. None of them worth listening to. I really hate people who talk too much and contribute noothing.

I really hope Brad Raffensperger runs again in 2022. I’ll admit, I voted libertarian in that race in 2018 because I thought he was going to be a Trump lackey. Now that I’ve seen he actually has a spine, I’d vote for him in a heartbeat.

The same deeply flawed person newly enabled to crime even more.

He might truly believe it was stolen. However at some point you have to man up, shut up and provide evidence. At least don’t do more harm then good, and get those to lib ■■■■■■■■ from Georgia elected.


Missed the point I see.

Not everybody is as lucky as these two…

“We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.” ~ Barrack and Hillary. :confounded:

If I remember correctly there were several open investigations into Hillary Clinton, some of them in Congress, that couldn’t find any criminality.

Obama had a pretty squeaky clean administration. I can only imagine what would have happened if Obama pulled stuff like this.

What are you talking about? The GOP led house had something like 11 investigations into hillary and Obama and Benghazi. IUncluding one where HRC was questioned for 10 hours.

They never found anything.


Their own people were doing the investigating. Get it now?

That an authoritarian weirdo is getting a lot of help from other Republicans as they try to stumble their way to a fascist takeover? No I’m not missing that.

Think if the GOP controlled them house or if the vote totals were a lot closer. They would go all in.


I think that’s exactly what Trump is doing and he’s doing it to punish the GOP for a lack of fealty. Trump is the king maker in the GOP and going forward it will be his new revenue stream and exist to support Trump, financially and emotionally.

The GOP led house, which had something like 11 investigations into Benghazi was ‘their people’?

I’m curious. Wihtout the actual power, will people still worship him?

The nonsense he spews is going to sound different without the aura of the presidency surrounding him.

Congressional Republicans having extended investigations into Hillary Clinton is not their own people.

Trump will hold a lot of power over the GOP, without his blessing the Q and conspiracy mongering base won’t support candidates.

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It does seem super likely that a lifelong con artist and pathological liar is super serial about this.

QAnon has taken over a significant chunk of the GOP in a shockingly short amount of time.

I swear, Q is like that movie in The Ring for boomers, expect it turns you into a jabbering conspiracy monger who thinks Donald Trump is secretly a superhero.

Getting killed by that freaky Japanese girl might be a better fate.

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It’s all LARPing. Real life is dull. Much better to think that you are on the side of good in a secret war against the forces of darkness.

  1. To be clearer, the SOS said that audit is over and only found 2 votes of dead people. They were removed from the official tally.

What I also heard from the Trump team was their search of deaths compared voter roll names with associated birth month and year to obituaries all available in the public domain.

  1. My take on the 24,149, is IF a deal is struck here, each name provided in question would be looked at independently with a yeah or nay verdict called at the sole discretion of Georgia officials.

  2. Trump had to know there was a high likelihood this call would be leaked. As such, no way his legal team would ever let him say anything off script. Same goes with the SOS being lawyer’d up for the call too.

The end stuff with Germany was classic cya legal jargon.

With no one under oath during this call, either side was free to offer opinion on what they believe to be the truth.

The call lasted a full hour. We the people can hear the tapes for ourselves too. No matter what the Secretary of State ultimately decides to do, the Trump base will appreciate their President even more.

And it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility that this call ultimately leads to Georgia changing their certification either, albeit a long shot.

Wow… :man_facepalming:

This is very recent history. You may want to go back and check on those Benghazi investigations.