Trump asked sessions to reverse his recusal

And that job fell to Rosenstein. It’s the beauty of our system and hierarchy.

That’s a might low bar you’ve set.

He didn’t have a lot of choice but to recuse himself. He denied having any contact with any Russians during the campaign and it came out later he had multiple contacts. He clearly perjured himself during his Senate confirmation.

That is his problem if he were to get Sessions to resign. At this point, who would the Senate accept? One reason he can do nothing at this point other than wait for Mueller’s report.
Which he also should probably stop tweeting and do, at least unless there were actually leaks at some time in the future.

No, he wanted an AG who would be able to do their job, with having to claim a conflict of interest right out of the chute.

Integrity and anyone in the Trump administration is a contradiction at best. The chief himself lacking the most integrity of all of them.

No he didn’t, the question was regarding contacts with Russians in connection with the campaign, not in connection with his job as a Senator.

When the hell are they going to let us edit our posts again? I hate posting, then seeing a typo, and not being able to fix it.

One insignificant meeting in public and one where he didn’t discuss the campaign, which was really the question.
He should have just recused himself from any investigations concerning his talking to Russians, not from everything that had to do with all Russians and Hillary.

Why do you guys do this to yourself? Sergey Kislyak was in Jeff Sessions Senate office for a meeting. Jeff Sessions was present at a Trump Campaign meeting where outreach to Russia was discussed.

It was at this one. There’s the Coffee Boy, awaiting sentencing, and there’s Jeff Sessions at the opposite head of the table from Donald Trump.

But you’ll sit there and I dunno who you’re trying to convince, yourself or other people that they just said “hi” in an elevator or some nonsense.


What you think is legitimate and what is or is not is not up to you, AGs aren’t elected.

What is made up about a half a dozen Team Trump members meeting with russians and lying about it?

The first interaction took place in July 2016 at a small diplomacy conference called Global Partners in Diplomacy, which occurred on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention after Sessions had given his speech there. It was attended by multiple Trump national security advisors and foreign ambassadors, and Sessions reportedly briefly interacted with Kislyak at this event.

The second interaction was a private discussion between Sessions and Kislyak in Sessions’ Senate office in September.

And outreach to Russia discussed at this meeting:

You guys are horribly misinformed or you’re trying to BS your way around this

Well, actually, I wan’t expecting Sessions to contact me to ask for my opinion.
Sorry if I left that impression.

You mean where it was brought up and dismissed?

That’s what the investigation is for.

Reading problem here.

And Sessions should have disclosed that, and Sam Clovis, the campaigns co-chair was still pursuing help from Russia in exchange for sanctions relief.

Is it impossible for you guys to throw straight dice or do you just really not know?

No you left the opinion that you believe you know how he should do his job better than he does. I wonder if you would be so cavalier if someone was telling you how to do your job.

What is made up about the fact that multiple members of Trump’s team met with russians and then lied about it?