Trump..."Article 2 says I can do whatever I want"

“I know that reconciling with an adversary that can be as brutal as the Taliban sounds distasteful, even unimaginable. And diplomacy would be easy if we only had to talk to our friends. But that is not how one makes peace. President Reagan understood that when he sat down with the Soviets. And Richard Holbrooke made this his life’s work. He negotiated face to face with Milosevic and ended a war.”

The guy has ran off the rails in siding with despots and dictators. But he’s kind of stupid, so what do you do? I mean, again he compares himself to Reagan.

So basically he cant fire those where advisement and consent is needed from Congress but can proclaim executive privilege on them but can fire anyone else. So there is no way to keep presidential power in check. Might as well have a king no?

A US citizen clearly states he doesn’t care what the president of US says…and will continue to support said president.

…this is his defense. Not surprising.

Our president doesn’t understand the constitution and this is your answer.

Trump doesn’t use a pen and a phone?

57 states is my understanding…how about your’s?

Looks like our resident superhero got new deflector shields installed recently.

Most excellent synopsis of our President.

“when the president does it, that means it is not illegal”