Trump applauds far-right social media provocateurs for making fake news

Have you read Ali Akbar Alexander’s rap sheet? Ali A. Akbar: The Truth About His Criminal Past | Breitbart Unmasked

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Trump is just a Mafia dude.

Pizzagate. Would a guy go down there with a gun if there wasn’t something true about that story? Think about it.

Thanks. Not surprised.

No… it’s…you have zero credibility when it comes to evaluating things objectively.

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His Condom Boat was awesome.

And the way he really captured how a pimp dresses.

Or his LinkedIn fiasco.

But those were just lighter moments.

Tpping all of that is where he had to admit in court he dishonestly edits videos and had to provide the completely unedited footage he shot of that showed how dishonest he was.

But you keep drinking that milk, Sheeple.

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You clearly have no knowledge of history.

O’Keefe employs the most basic editing techniques to easily manipulate and fool people like you into seeing things that aren’t there and believing things that aren’t happening.

Anyone who’s ever taken a film class laughs at those that O’Keefe fools.


Misinformation been acceptable practice from the left as long as I can remember.

Casting stones?

I always see this comment but never see a shred of evidence. Can you provide an article from the left that was deemed misinformation?

Don’t worry, I am not holding my breath.

Remember when conservatives lost their mind when Michelle Obama invited the rapper Common to a poetry evening at the White House?

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I don’t need to provide anything when it’s based on my own observation.


I don’t need evidence when I make stuff up that sounds good to me.


You mean the people smart enough to not push the Russian collusion lie?

These people who did will have to live their lives looking like ugly liars.

Ask Brian Williams what happens to journalists who lie.

They get hired by Fox News.

Did he? :rofl:
You’re thinking of the wrong Williams.

Like those who pushed the Seth Rich conspiracy that was planted by Russians?

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Didn’t the same people who pushed the Russian collusion lie say that? I don’t trust morally bankrupt journalists or Politician’s who push lies!