Trump and Puty Sitting in Helsinki - Dictator Summit Extravaganza

Victims of stupidity. The FBI even called em and told em they were being hacked.

Reagan did what he did so that Trump can do what he’s doing.

The cold war is over. The Soviet Union lost. Now we are trying to build relationships.

I was under the impression Trump was giving the orders.
Libs are saying he DIRECTED the Russians to hack Hillery’s emails. So… it looks like you got the org chart wrong.

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Donald loves himself a little Pooty call.

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The only reason libs hate Russia: they protect their children. LIBS HATE that.

So why don’t you go live there and tell us how wonderful it is?

Why don’t you go live in Europe.

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From the second article:

“It’s almost too easy for Putin. It does not take a trained intelligence officer to exploit Trump’s ego and ignorance. Trump’s vulnerabilities are on frequent public display. He is quick to anger, unable to control his impulses, loyal to no one, easy to flatter, easily influenced but loath to accept advice, a serial bluffer, and fully transparent about his vanity and congenital need for approbation.”


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man, i should play cards with Trump. that’s easy money.

Hard to argue with that assessment. Hell, Donald outright stated that his diplomacy approach amounts to little more than “If they say nice things about me I’ll say nice things about them.”

I mean, that’s part of it, but personally I’m far more disturbed by the murders and jailings of dissidents and journalists.


Mr. Trump’s persistent tirades on the expense of NATO and his fury at the trade practices of the European Union, which he recently described as “possibly as bad as China, just smaller,” have startled even Russian pundits who have for years watched as Mr. Putin, like Soviet-era leaders before him, tried in vain to undermine the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“We are witnessing something surprising, something that even the Soviet Union was not able to accomplish: Divide the U.S. and Western Europe. It didn’t work then, but it seems to be working with Mr. Trump now,” Tatyana Parkhalina, president of the Russian Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, said on a recent talk show on state-run television.

This is on Russian state tv.

There it is Trump supporters. In BLACK AND WHITE ON RUSSIAN TV…

“We are witnessing something surprising, something that even the Soviet Union was not able to accomplish: Divide the U.S. and Western Europe. It didn’t work then, but it seems to be working with Mr. Trump now,” Tatyana Parkhalina, president of the Russian Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, said on a recent talk show on state-run television."

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No they didn’t. They told they had been hacked after the fact, and even then only called once to tell contractor who found nothing suspicious.

throwing people in jail for holding hands is protecting children?

WoW …I guess you guys needed to camouflage that balloon in London. Looks like Russis saw it.

Not in Canada. But in Russia, if they are breaking the law, then it could happen. Kinda like calling someone by the wrong Canada.

Well I bet you are downright apoplectic about Obama’s Iran then.

You can’t get arrested for calling someone the wrong pronoun in Canada, so your infavor of making gay people second class citizen.

congrats you hate the founding principles of America.

They are free to be gay in the privacy of their own home. KINDA like Christians in a liberal country.