Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

You don’t think the about of time Trump continues to impose Trumpist policies from the WH is significant? Strange.

I beg to differ.

That is a very reasonable supposition. Esp if targeted to audience of one.

1 month.

It’s only Sunday, and we already have a prime candidate for funniest post of the week. Well done!


There goes the pee tapes.

As for the rest of it, are you 74?

That must be why he never leaves his bunker.



Or 4 years.

Significant. And I challenge any Trump supporter besdies yourself to disagree.

I have to admit, lying about Trump’s condition and then admitting he lied was an interesting way to commit professional suicide.

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How would his words steer a virus?

You aren’t going to win?

How much of Obama’s 8 has Trump undone in 4?



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I don’t know, but Morgan’s theory makes sense if he is only talking to Trump.

No no no I’m sure the guy who’s only Vice President now because his re-election campaign for governor of Indiana was going so poorly as the incumbent that he knew four months from the election that he was definitely going to lose would be an excellent top of the ticket.


Eh. It was a lie by omission and the truth about the oxygen came out yesterday. If he plays it right he could spin this into a media career or possibly a political run like the last guy.

Because it’s code. The actual “virus” in the nation is the leftist mainstream media.

You young people are in for a rude awakening in a few decades. I would spare you from it if I could, but I can’t.

He just needs to show the virus his resolved face like he did North Korea, stopping the pandemic in its tracks, and he’ll win the election in a landslide.

Trups’s doctor is treating the nation?

do you think that Trump’s health condition has no national security implication? Do you think that all of our national security status is open for review by you and everyone else?

Ding. Wrong floor.

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For someone who claims not to like communism, you sure do prefer the tactics used by communist leadership. This is just the latest example of many.