Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

Please explain.

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It really is.

Who knew that Americaā€¦ the shining city on the Hillā€¦ would be just so stupid about simple preventative measures?


Itā€™s not just America. People are stupid in general. We think that our ā€œsuccessā€ as a species is due to our intelligence and our big brains. But, thatā€™s only because we are stupid. Now, you can make an argument that Americans are more stupid than your average H. sap. sap, but well, I think weā€™re all equally stupid.

How about you and your wife taking some responsibility for your actions. Sounds to me like your wife should have stayed home if your that worried.
I believe you have the freedom to choose to stay home if you are afraid of catching the virus. I also believe that you have the freedom to go out and if you catch the virus it is not the fault of anyone else. It was a chose you made.
Other people should not have to bow to your wishes. They should have the freedom to choose to not wear a mask.
We have too many people in the world today that believe everyone should bow to their wishes. All you have to do is remember the cake that was not baked for a gay marriage. Transgenders wanting to use a bathroom they donā€™t have the equipment for. 90 or how ever many genders they want us to believe there is now. Special rules for people because of the color of their skin. I remember Ruby Ridge, Waco. These two incidents happened because the government over stepped their bounds and tried to punish a family and a group of citizens for choosing to live their lives in a different way.
Freedom is for everyone and everyone should be free to live their lives as they chose.

No, thatā€™s wrong. Thatā€™s my point.

If Iā€™m COVID positive - and I donā€™t know it - my decision to not wear a mask has still put other people in danger.

I think that the American condition is that we are ā€œentitledā€ to stupidity as a right.

What has been bad in the past few decades is that there has been less and less of a social cost for stupidity. There is now an ease to find others who believe the same stupid things and reinforce that stupidity.

This we get Covid deniers, flat earthers and anti maskers.

Just insanity.

You are free to fire a rifle in the air where I live. I have fired a rifle in the air before. Hate to tell you but I was not arrested.

A person was killed here in my city from a falling bullet shot into the air.

American exceptionalism (to be stupid).

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Shooting a gun and having no idea where the bullet is going to land is the height of being an irresponsible gun owner.


[quote=ā€œJezcoe, post:955, topic:236006, full:trueā€]

[quote=ā€œamadeus, post:953, topic:236006, full:trueā€]

A person was killed here in my city from a falling bullet shot into the air.

Maybe for you big city dwellers and people who donā€™t know much about guns. Here on my land I can do what I please.

I grew up with guns.

One of the first things I learned in gun safety while hunting was know what you are shooting at and know where the bullet will land if you miss

Donā€™t shoot level to the ground and donā€™t shoot your gun wildly in the air.

Thatā€™s like first day gun safety stuff.


Utterly ridiculous argument.

Do I have the freedom to have sex with a minor without consequences?


Thanks you @TheDoctorIsIn.

I had no idea. Now that you have provided the explanation?


Iā€™m out of this thread.

Gun safety has been crammed down our throats by authoritarian commies.


If two people are talking and neither one has it, how is either one of them going to get it.

Firing guns into the air. Evolved species.

How do they know either one has it?

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