Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

So he’s just going to continue walking around town with a positive covid test? Neat.

You equate stopping their lives with simply putting on a mask in public?

Where does freedom end?

Am I “free” to fire a rifle into the air, not knowing where the bullets will come down?


“Jesus Juice” is allegedly what Michael Jackson called the mixture of Sprite and various alcohols that he provided to kids “sleeping over” at his ranch.

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That question is only unanswerable if you don’t know what “pederast” means?

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It’s not plausible in the slightest. Much more plausible is the idea that a knowingly sick Senator Lee touched off a super spreading event.

And as for the timing, it is completely unpredictable as to how this will affect the election at this moment. Trump’s debate tactics were universally pilloried, and the polls changed not at all…it would have been better to let things play out as they were playing out, since Trump did not move the needle at all, and likely turned off voters he needed to turn the game around

The Left would never have done this, The rule of politics is…when you’re ahead, you don’t introduce an unpredictable element into the equation.

Cue the photos of him not social distancing at all.

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Seriously, what sort of evidence exists that can prove something like that? Think about it. It seems a tad disingenuous to say there is no proof when proof is impossible.

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Pure politics: liberals want Biden to face Trump, not Pence plus a sympathy windfall. What political motivation would there…

…nevermind: soros-gyna. Tautologies are fun.


I should be able to drive 80 miles an hour in the school zone. After all, the kids have the right to not place themselves in a position to be hit.

See the similarity?

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The whole world does.


Sure! After all, don’t people have the right to not get in the way of your shot?

No, what they SHOULD do is respect the science and wear a mask, like a reasonable adult. What they MUST do is wear a mask in any business or government office that has implemented that policy. Yet not a day goes by in my town that some MAGA dip ■■■■ doesn’t yelp about his “constitutional right” to breathe, and spew, freely.

If a bar owner (or a POTUS) wants to hold maskless gatherings indoors IN THEIR BUSINESS, that’s fine with me. It’s just self-inflicted voter suppression. Of course, just as with a bartender serving a drunk who drives off and kills someone, they should be liable if an outbreak can be reliably traced to them. Personal responsibility, don’tcha know.


Good question for a different reason.


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Locking up people is @moonshine defaukt setting for pretty much everyone he doesn’t like.

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No it is not. I hate to disagree.

More rumors. And you wonder why we now believe that all news agencies are nothing but a bunch of fake news spreaders.

Only if you know you are positive.

Like Senator Lee?

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