Trump and First Lady tested positive for Covid-19

The ignorance of making a virus political, still some on the media are still doing it. A virus doesn’t care about ones ideology.


And here it is Taco Tuesday!

Get well soon First Lady!


The puppet will be limp for a few days while Dr. Jill gets well.



Don’t make the same mistake that Whoopy Goldberg did … she’s NOT a medical doctor. :wink:

They sure do, don’t they??


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That was a classic. Whoopi never admitted it either.

Maybe the poster was being sarcastic?

I read it that way, anyway. I could be wrong.

Well, I was being facetious, so it’s all okay. :wink:



The idea of variolation (the concept behind vaccination) is that by administating an attenuated version of the virus, the immune system will have made antibodys against it by the time the real thing comes along, allowing the immune system to kill it quicker and hopefully lessen symptoms.

The COVID-19 vaccine is still helpful in that it has drastically lessened symptoms in those who recieved it.

A person can still get it, but they will be much, much less miserable if they do.


Therein lies the grift, and what people settled for in being lied to while being experimented on.

Over 40% of everyone who tested positive for the Kung Flu were completely asymptomatic during the original wave (and that was just the people who bothered to even get tested). They didn’t know they had it.

The vaccine made the symptoms mild? The first claim was a complete lie (“You won’t get the virus if you get the vaccine!”), but I’m sure they’re totally telling the truth this time. I’m sure there was no possibility of there being a larger than small percentage of the remaining folks who would’ve had mild symptoms regardless of whether or not they got experimented on. Surely there was no spectrum, just asymptomatic and deathly ill without the wonder drug… :wink:

Whatever though, I didn’t get experimented on (this time), and neither did my kids (this time). It’s not happening in the future either (with this experiment), so I don’t have to justify anything.

That same government infected black people with syphilis just to see what the effects were.

That same government forced Soldiers to stand in front of nuclear explosions and absorb the radiation, just to see what the effects were.

That same government forcibly euthanized Hispanics just to see what the effects were.

That same government silently drugged highly functioning members of society with LSD just to see what the effects were.

That same government pumped cadmium and other radioactive compounds directly into rural neighborhoods in St. Louis and other metropolitan areas just to see what the effects were.

The list goes on and on and on and on and on and on… :rofl:



Here, lemme tidy that one up for you. I’m also keeping it. lol


That’s part of the problem. If you are vaccinated and are essentially asymptotic when infected you don’t know if you would have been equally asymptotic had you not been vaccinated, and if you are not vaccinated and have minor symptoms, you don’t know if you might have been completely asymptotic had you been vaccinated. The unknowns both ways are even more unclear if you are completely asymptotic because you are very unlikely to be tested and, therefore, do not know if you were infected or not. The only way to get an idea how effective (or ineffective) the Covid vaccines are, is by amassing and analyzing hundreds of thousands of verified cases in each group.

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That is essentially correct. The Covid vaccine apparently work more as a therapeutic (much like the traditional annual flu vaccines) than a preventative.


Thank you for the assist. I was on my phone so it’s always difficult to make thinks work the way you want to some times. :grin:

I would be disappointed with you if you didn’t keep it. :wink:

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It’s why he breathed all over an elderly medal of honor recipient – without the mask his PR people said he was supposed to be wearing – and then toddled out of the room in the middle of the ceremony in a fogged stupor.