Trump administration attempting to change asylum law via regulation

Actually, not agreed. Trump may just be giving a more correct interpretation of the asylum law by changing a regulation. If a person was persecuted in El Salvador and is given asylum in Mexico, is he still being persecuted?

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First of all DACA was a moratorium no an executive order.

Second no court has ruled on the constitutionality, the few that tried to take the issue to court were dismissed without standing.

Third the 4th curcuit recently ruled that Trump trying to end DACA was “arbitrary and capricious” meaning his admin could not explain why they were trying to end it.

Bull. What moratorium? That certain people won’t be deported. Halfway. He also created a work permit for them as well. Where in the constitution did it give Obama the Authority to create an entirely new type of work permit?

Trump announced he was ending the program. It was taken to court and the court ruled he couldn’t just end the program. The court should have found the program unconsitutional and ruled he could end it anytime he liked. Since they didn’t the court by virtue said it was a constitutional program.

Again, the court should have ruled it was an unconstitutional program, and he could end it any time he liked. Funny that a program created by one president can’t be ended by another don’t ya think?

Yes I got it the first time…either it’s an abuse or partisan…

Could you imagine the uproar from the Left if Trump assassinates an American Citizen without due process?

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Unsure what Taxpayers you are talking about. The Taxpayers in quite a few states ousted the R’s fro the house and put in a D in 2018. Or did you forget when the R’s in the house tried to run on Trump platform and were ousted. and that was nationwide ousting.


Better than saying. Nothing…still hypocritical

The one that created the DACA program. It wasn’t an executive order despite what you may have read at Fox News and such. It was a policy decision and directive to USCIS.

You think they should have, they don’t agree with you.

Same answer as above.

He is welcome to try again.

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So they decided to do it without direction of President Obama?

The program was not passed, nor authorized by congress. It should have been thrown out when the challenge was brought on ending the program. The judge essentially said a president can go around congress when they want. Thank Obama for what Trump is doing.


Most asylum seekers are trying to game the system and are denied asylum but they don’t show up for the hearings and just disappear into our country.

Will never understand why the left supports illegals at the expense of Americans however.

By expense i mean not just money but being the victims of crime as well.

You will find out which ones in 2020.

The vacuous promises of 2018 will be fresh on the minds of swing seats.

I think the antics of the Congress will suffice for R attack ads.

Pelosi owes Trump in a big way for taking on the 4 mules of a dysfunctional Congress.


Executive Orders can be taken to court. Trump’s attempt to end DACA program was taken to court. Its now in the hands of SCOTUS. They will determine the fate of DACA in October.


so are you predicting a R takeover of the house?



Were you not aware that presidents can issue both moratoriums and executive orders?
They are two different things really.

No they didn’t do it without the direction of Obama, as I said he issued the moratorium to them.

EOs and moratoriums exist for the purpose of allowing the executive branch of the government to do executive things. In a broader sense they allow the President to do certain things provided they are constitutional in the absence of congress either unwilling or unable to address an issue.

And Judges not judge, this was ruled on by both the 4th and the 9th circuits, both with essentially the same conclusion.

Finally I never stated that these rulings were right one way or another, I stated that is the way they came down.

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It can be ended by Trump if the federal courts agree. Its in SCOTUS hands, they will decide, as it should be.


Either way, doesn’t matter. It was a green card program made up out of thin air by Obama.

Please show me where in the constitution that the president is allowed to do what Obama did, and what Trump proposes when congress is unwilling or unable to address an issue?

Please and thank you.

Now that’s funny.

A president starts a program (without court authorization), but the next program has to get court authorization to end it.

See the problem there?

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It’s almost like you don’t have the whole story…

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Remember when you thought it was bad, too?

What else is there to know.

President A starts a program without congressional authorization or court approval.

President B tries to end a program that didn’t have congressional authorization and the court shakes it’s finger and says “nope can’t do that.”

Court should have said, President A authorized it, President B can end it.