Trump admin to bailout failing coal and nuclear plants

Recognizing ■■■■■■■■ when I see it.

Obviously not. :rofl:

Wind tends to work hand in hand with natural gas plants.

They’re already being used in high current factories, you seem to be thinking of the smaller scale stuff. The wind power turbines in particular are starting to get enormous.

The gas plants might supply enough for industrial use but wind? Not even close.

Huge electric motors for example require tremendous current to run.

The current :“free market” in coal-fired power plants is mere scar tissue that remains from a gaping wound imposed by policies from prior administrations. It’s hardly a free market at this point.

Having said that, what we have now is what we have, and new meddling is not the right response.

I can see incentivizing conversion of coal plants to natural gas. I can see incentivizing nuclear (or even just research into safer nuclear plants.) Propping up coal doesn’t sit well with me.

Nuclear is the answer. Supplemented by natural gas, wind, and solar.

That doesn’t mean everything this administration proposes is a good thing.

Trying to raise the dead from the coal industry is on of those things I think is not a good thing.

But the left doesn’t like Nuclear either or at least they didn’t used to.

Valid point about green energy failures. That doesn’t mean propping coal is warranted.

PS: There are counties in CO that piled on the wind turbines. Lots of government incentives to do so. Next year (or maybe it’s this year) those incentives dry up, and it’s going to cost them more in carrying cost and maintenance than they’ll get from the energy the turbines produce.

Government needs to stay out of this stuff.

… or, at least, it should be the subject of this thread.

Obama was shutting down the coal plants out of pure spite imo. Would have been far better to convert them over to gas if that’s the route he wanted to take.

We had a coal fired plant in the country till it was shut down. Lived there for 40 years and I can’t see that it caused ill effects.

Some good info in your post.

The nuclear bailout can be justified since it’s so damn hard to get one built anywhere. Why does coal deserve a bailout though?

We should be mining coal as aggressively as we can, and selling it to China as fast as they can unload it.

China is still HUGE into coal, and the stuff they mine domestically is way inferior to what we pull out.

Right. I’m not talking about hooking up a single turbine to a plant.

GM made a fuss over their new plant in Mexico running on 100% wind, with another 25% capacity left over to contribute towards it’s other factories.

The new off-shore turbines can power about 15,000 homes each. Again, they keep getting bigger and bigger and as they get bigger their output goes up and variability goes down.

Coal has the double-whammy of being more expensive and less effective than natural has, as well as killing tens of thousands a years via pollutants.

I’m about as pro-nuclear as you can get, there really is no reason to be pro-coal other than protectionism.

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He’s not a conservative in any sense beyond abortion…and even then that’s reaching

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Lol what?

What does that mean?

You guys said that in December…