Trump admin preparing to take over private land in Texas for border wall

Good ‘ole eminent domain, a long held bastion of conservative principles.

I bet if the wall was cutting through his golf course he wouldn’t build it.

Jared’s in charge. :rofl:

“Jared Kushner is hosting a meeting with military and administration officials at the White House this Friday, where they are expected to discuss the US government taking over private land to build more sections of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, said two officials”

Eminent domain built our highway system. Now it can protect the country. Not a problem.
Are Democrats now going to tell us they oppose eminent domain?


And? The government has been taking land for roads etc all of my 66 years.

Why is this different?

Hey… we are in a national emergency, so the President gets to seize the land until the emergency is over.

I’ve always opposed eminent domain.


Yeah… I have never been a big fan of it either.

I can’t wait to hear from these land owners. It’s going to be a hoot.


Really? Without it we would never have had railroad systems, highways, or national parks.

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No. We are going to shake our heads as conservatives surrender yet another principle to Donald Trump. And invest in companies developing artificial spines.


If it was Obama they would Love It!

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I think you have a misunderstanding of conservative principles. But have fun.


Yes, really.

I oppose it, until I’m given a reason to support it.
The wall isn’t a good enough reason.


… and for buildings, parks, urban renewals, and economic development. But somehow to libs, this is different.

Wrong. It is a permanent acquisition for a public works project.

I wonder how Ted Cruz feels about this.

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Take all of Texas including the Houston Rockets, it’s the only way to stop Harden.

Well, until the playoffs.

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Your life has been made substantially better because of it. Both of you.

It’s nothing more than a vanity project for fat donald.

The part of small government and fiscal responsibility taking private land to run up the debt building a giant, wasteful vanity project for the Dear Leader.