Trump 2024 VP Pick?

they showed proof otherwise. in video form, and how you could freeze frame it to show exact same thing as cnn did. they knew better than to believe ninny lefty ■■■■ news

you have a cnn narrative, stratospheric level hate, and lol’s.

awesome case ace

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You might be onto something. Trump does have a real aversion for Biden.


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Sweet Jeebus let it go. I’ve seen the video. Trump was obviously mocking a disabled reporter who reported things Trump didn’t like. Anything else is gaslighting.

Have you heard Trump speak on anything the last 6 months? There’s your dementia. He’s absolutely lost a couple of steps.

Good to see Trump still has a sublease in your frontal cortex.


Trump speaks for hours nearly every day to secure the republican nomination.

He sounds good to me.




:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it’s not “gaslighting” when there’s credible evidence to the contrary. you obviously dont realize what that term means.

but go ahead repeat it again. stomp your feet this time.

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lol @ “evidence to the contrary”. A chopped up video from an extremist Catholic org doesn’t change reality.

It’s also perfectly on brand for Trump. Nothing but gaslighting all the way down.

And that is why Abbott will not be the VP pick. He has a disability. That’s like, totally gross to Donald Trump.

Don’t you recognize faux foot stomping denial, for the purpose of deflecting the thread into a silly back and forth over nothing. Its Peter’s primary posting technique.


several vids actually. not “changing” reality just showing it

again not “gaslighting” they made a case against the cnn hack narrative and backed it up well. they made you look wrong. so you call them “extremists”

tell us more about being “on brand”.

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i do. i just get curious how far they can go being obviously continuously wrong, somewhat in disbelief.


The foot stomping denial is from the Trump cargo cultists. The vast majority of the people who saw that knew what they were looking at, and the person who has a long history of aversion to anybody with a disability. They’re not from central casting, they’re broken and gross.

Abbott is not in the conversation for VP. If he had full use of his legs, he would be in that discussion.

i’m seeing more rumors that trump is considering Ben Carson


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They don’t care. Dems are running on pure hatred these days


That, would be an excellent choice

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I could get excited for a VP Ben Carson!!


i think it would be too but not sure if the best one. maybe…