Trump 2024 VP Pick?

the speel check was way off on that one… I don’t think Trump actually wants to caress anyone that much except his wife

yeah it was prob a body double.

get a good look at that chin?

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Trump’s VP: Ranking the candidates from most likely to least

Maybe this will help.

Vivek is too much his own man. He needs someone like Pence who he can be the alpha over and thats not Vivek.

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or maybe not.

no Tucker Carlson on that list and he is among the top 5 favorites.

  1. noem
  2. stefanik
  3. ramaswamy
  4. Haley
  5. Carlson.


Carlson isn’t interested imo and of the rest of the list Noem is the only one i would support.

Zero chance Trump would run with a guy in a wheelchair.

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lol still trying to gaslight everyone that Trump wasn’t making fun of a reporters disability, when even his most loyal supporters know that’s exactly what he was doing.

Face it, the guy is 15 years old and slipping rapidly. “Biden senile” isn’t going to work with Trump out there talking about he “aced” a cognitive test years ago like he has been while claiming Obama is the president who is going to start WWII.

He’s losing it.

Hold on to that thought as tight as you can.


he wasnt. it is what it is. but cnn freeze framed it just right for you to believe. good job.

like who?

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this will burn your programmed eyes

look if you dare.

dont forget to “lol” it like an 8th grader

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Putting Greene on that list makes me question the whole thing.



LOL. So yeah, Trump mocked a disabled reporter. Duh. Still gaslighting lol.

Interesting list. Greene won’t be the pick. Stefanik is interesting. Tim Scott is a very different personality from Trump, I like Byron Donalds much better as a minority ticket partner.

Kristi Noem will be a lightning rod for the abortion issue…not a good thing.

Sarah Sanders is just too young. I really like her.

Pompeo was the shocker. If I am picking the most talented VP. I am picking Pompeo.

Haley is less likely than Desantis.

Vivek? Not yet.

Brings me back to Marsha Blackburn and Greg Abbott.


Abbott is perfect. He assures Texas (although historically conservative, not necessarily by a huge amount like California is left). He is likeable to all who don’t hate all Republicans. And he accentuates that which should be one of the major Republican selling points…Biden’s failure to secure the border.

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He’s in a wheelchair. Trump will have absolutely nothing to do with him.

Sure, sure.

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Strikes me as a very likeable personality to offset Trump brashness.

Abbott being likeable, not weak or timid when the going gets tough as continues at the border.

Abbott would be a strong admin asset for repairing the border and making immigration legal and honorable again.


Abbott is not from Central Casting, and Trump has a well known aversion to anybody with a disability.

Big difference from brandon who awarded a metal of honor and then wandered off aimlessly.

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