Trump 2024 VP Pick?

DC is in the US. The question is not one of being born in a state.

Ok back to VP pick speculation.
Me I hope it’s Doug Burgum. Why? His skill set. He has executive management experience. He’s a CEO as Gov of ND! Burgum gets ■■■■ done not like Fweedom who has never accomplished anything except checking off boxes.
Burgum isn’t a partisan, he’s a businessman. ND is economically successful because he works with everyone.
I think it would be a good ticket. Trump needs someone who can cut through the BS and actually serve the people


No doubt about it Burgum is an incredibly successful businessman. I do not care for a number of his positions but I respect his charitable and philanthropic work. Plus he does not buy into all the election fraud nonsense.

He is actually a more successful businessman than Trump. He took a massive gamble and mortgaged his family’s farmland to invest in Great Plains Software and the rest is history.

He would be a great choice for a Republican VP and could easily become the Republicans nominee in 2028 if Trump won.

But his success and inability for Trump to alpha male him is probably why Trump will not select him.

Personally I think Burgum would have been a fantastic choice as the Republican candidate and would have sailed to victory over Biden.

I can’t see Trump picking anybody who isn’t behind him 100% on the election fraud ridiculousness.

And as for the previous comment (bigtwnvin):

Trump needs someone who can cut through the BS and actually serve the people

Trump is a high-volume BS generator, and doesn’t give a rat’s ass about serving anyone but himself and his crime family.

I agree. Look who he picked the last time. The Mummy.

I hope he picks Byron Donalds :pray: :pleading_face::heart:

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And he is so good at sleeping, he can do it with his eyes open … while standing. (A trick he learned from Mitch MCConnell :wink: )

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Technically you are correct, but there were several lawsuits to keep Cruz off the ballot. None were successful and none were appealed to a higher court. Congress did give McCain a special dispensation, but they do not have the authority to declare a person a natural-born citizen by legislation. Only the Court can do that. While the SCOTUS has not closed the book on this, for all practical purposes anyone age 35 and over who is a citizen at birth and who does not hold citizenship in another country is eligible to be President … even convicted Felons.

That is incorrect.

As far as Cruz, it wasn’t decided, like I said.

2 felons on one ticket. A first. But I guess even 1 felon on the ticket will be a first.

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So, do you believe Congress could have declared Arnold Schwarzenegger eligible to run for President? That was talked about and he still claims he would love to be President. Lets start a campaign. :wink:

If Congress passes a law saying Pakistanis are NBC, they are NBC.

There is nothing in the Constitution to preclude it.

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So are you going to provide the details of the bad check Donald’s passed 24 years ago that he caught a theft charge for, pled no contest to while he was working in the banking and finance industry?
Or that the case & outcome was sealed and expunged?
Never mind I did for you. You’re welcome.

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Biden supporters should watch that kind of talk.

Better than The Dummy Brandon was forced to pick.


until SCOTUS shuts it down.


There is nothing in the Constitution to preclude it.

interesting. . vance is by far favorite in this poll anyway

SCOTUS can revoke any law or right.

have you been paying attention.


So many very negative quotes about Trump, though.

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