Transgender Sex Reassignment Surgery, now more accessible in Wisconsin

I was just thinking how that could be misconstrued as a play on your username. Rest assured, it was not. I know who Ahriman is. :stuck_out_tongue:

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yes. you are. my argument is the surgeries dont address the underlying problem of mental illness

what does that matter if the surgeries dont address the underlying problem of depression, mental illness?

you’re supporting the position of performing genital mutilation surgeries on people with mental health issues who decided to have surgeries due to…mental health issues

chief psychologist at johns hopkins disagree.

and i knew that before posting in this thread

To be clear, gender dysphoria is considered a mental illness when the quality of life of an individual becomes impaired due to the anxiety it causes. The appropriate treatment is gender reassignment surgery.
No surgery in the world is going to fix depression caused by societal discrimination and being homeless after your family kicks you out.

Sure. And there are, as I posted above, 52 studies that contradict his claims.

i disagree strongly that surgery is “appropriate” as this demonstrably does not address the underlying mental issues

this needs to be treated as a mental illness. not as a new minority group that needs more acceptance let alone promotion, and celebration

no… that’s one source, who says 52

Click on the link. There are 52 studies attached at the bottom of the article.

You have no reason to disagree strongly, other than your feelings. The data demonstrates that gender reassignment surgery is effective in treating gender dysphoria (which is not the same thing as being transgender).

Transgender people have been with us for thousands of years, across continents and cultures, from India to the tribes of America. They are not a “new minority group”.

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Are you a medical professional? What qualifies you to make this diagnosis for people you haven’t even met?

Because when the chemistry of your brain tells you something that doesn’t match with reality… that IS a mental illness.

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Are you a medical professional? What qualifies you to make such a diagnosis for a group of people you’ve never met?

I don’t know if it’s the best thing suicide rates post and pre surgery seem to stay around the same. And I am in the corner of people can do whatever they want to themselves, as long as I don’t have to pay for it.

Not saying I agree with it entirely but that may correlate with how many trans people are treated by society at large and more significantly by their families.

We are only just now getting a point where gay teenagers are being openly accepted by the majority of their families.

I can imagine that trans people go through some crazy ■■■■■

I would hope families would stick by a child no matter their orientation.

However, IMO, the fringe elements do no favors to people legitimately struggling; they do more harm than good.

while the data i referenced supports that gender mutilation surgery does nothing to address the deeper mental issues at hand

his claims of decades of cases

oh this isnt my “diagnosis” it is merely referencing what the experts say

please post that even though it is contrary to the narrative you are trying to create

to actually be really clear, you should mention how this was called “gender identification disorder” before the dsm decided they were afraid to hurt people’s “feelings”