!Transgender Rights!


That’s the thing. I don’t accept that teaching kids about gender does any damage to them. In fact, all evidence suggests the opposite.

As far as I’m concerned, this argument is as logically flawed as the idea that gay marriage would destroy heterosexual marriage, or that black people in the military would destroy the Army.


I don’t care how you feel, I am just correcting your hyperbole.

So again – what I said:

Ok. That law is obviously geared to resolve a situation where someone is pretending to be a sex other than the sex they are.
Don’t recall that being an issue when I was in school.

That’s what they want here too.

I want my own adjectives.

A Norwegian feminist could be facing up to three years in prison for allegedly “hateful” tweets directed at a male who claims to be a lesbian woman.

^^^^^^^^^ the perfect example ^^^^^^^^^^^^


It potentially adds confusion to something that isn’t confused and could be very damaging to them. The fact that you’re not in tune to this simply adds fuel to this possible fire.

I disagree. I’ve seen absolutely no evidence that any of this is true.

I was raised knowing all about gay people and trans people. So were most of the people I know. We all turned out alright.

More importantly, out of the trans people I know, the few who were accepted and supported by their families, schools and friends lived led infinitely better childhoods than the ones who were abused and rejected for being trans.


I’m not an expert but when I consider the suicide rate of transgenders, gays and heterosexuals…especially at this young age, it puts clarity to the potential damage being done. The majority of “transgenders” is environmental, not genetics and it’s introduced by confused adults in their lives.

Yeah even cross-dressers weren’t treated. . .great back in the day. To put it mildly.

The suicide rate of trans people who aren’t abused or rejected by their families, and instead supported - is more than 10x lower than the suicide rate of trans people who are instead rejected by their families and friends.

It’s not being trans that makes them suicidal - it’s the alienation and discrimination they face, and the lack of support that’s causing them to commit suicide.

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We are well aware.

This is all nonsense. Talk to a trans person.

It’s really that simple.

[quote=“tnt, post:565, topic:33649”]
Then regulate those procedures based on age.

I probably would have been labeled a boy in a girl’s body in today’s standards.

I rejected all that was “Girley” and beat to my own drum.

If climbing a tree was fun, that was where I’d be. If learning tap dancing was fun, that was where I’d be.

I do believe that folks don’t understand that people are individuals and everyone is unique.

Why is everyone trying to pigeon hole a person so that they are confused on their identity?


No…it isn’t simple and your take is shared by many who have no clue to the damage being done because all they can see is the fake “V” on their foreheads when they look at themselves in the mirror. This is very dangerous to our children and positively shameful there are so many fools among us.

Yeah, that is something that can not be reversed. There are going to be a lot of kids who were wronged. IMO, anyone who wants to do this to a person under the age of consent is a pervert.


Welp, for one it is abuse. Do you think that parent’s who consent to this are in their right minds?

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No, it really does not.

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My take is shared by most people who, in their lives, know and care about trans people.

It is no different than homophobia or racism - the fastest and most effective cure for either is experience. Racism and homophobia both become difficult to maintain when you have friends you care about who are of other races or gay. The same is true here.

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Dick Cheney and his family are perfect examples of this.

Remove the ignorance, remove the prejudice.