"Transform" America

What did great look like back in 2017?

Incapable of semi-serious for one thread?

You tell me, I’m not a prog.

I gave this another look. Not too good. Stuck in 3-4 small wars.

Economy not real good.

Government all up in healthcare.


Ok, I’ll give it a try. I didn’t realize you were being serious. I didn’t think “great” was defined at all as everyone seemed to understand it was campaign rhetoric.

But back to your request, what do I think great looks like? I’d like to see a stronger safety net and some programs as examples would be; better maternity/paternity leave, medical care for all…

I’d help pay for some of this via increased taxes and reducing defense spending.

I can provide more if you like.

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Society is always transforming, if it wasn’t we would still be living in caves.

Please do. I’m over 60, maternity leave doesn’t interest me. That’s a company thing anyway, what does government have to do with that?

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Govt can mandate minimum leaves.

Another government mandate? How does that make America better?

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Sure. I’m a lib. :wink:

Rural here too. I hope you have it soon in your area. I live in the free state of Appalachia and have access to two providers.

A prog. How does that make America better?

Still can’t get an answer on the vision.


The economy was doing fine in 2017.

Low inflation.

Adding jobs every month

Ecomony growing at a steady rate.

So where was it lagging and what it four years later.


The grievances and complaining will intensify. Mostly on political message boards.

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What will the prog future look like?

I have no idea, but I think they could actually steal the MAGA hats from Trump supporters. Instead of “Making America Great Again” culturally, they want to “Make America Great Again” with the tax code from the 50’s. That said, their future is without any doubt losing at least one of the Senate or House most likely both in 2022.

[quote=“Tom_Ch, post:33, topic:239867, full:true”]

Cool, you’ve read the propagandized bullet points. Now read the “infrastructure” bill in it’s entirety and then tell your great grandchildren they’ll be saddled with the debt incurred for all of the Sanders/AOC/Saikat Chiribarti “Green bad deal” giveaways.


Not accurate. Through human history change has been slow and rare. Very little changed for thousands of years during the agricultural period, same goes for the hunter gatherer period. Only after technology arrives did change become the norm.

I’d say once the Austrians allowed themselves to be suckered into becoming annexed and that wacky Arian megalomaniac invaded Poland, the world changed quite rapidly within about 25 years.