Trans win in SCOTUS

A win for liberalism

Thus my fears are coming true! Bills like this invite coyotes and pedafiles to do heinous acts to little girls. Trans rights are more important than the other 99% of other women’s rights, we see it here and in the olympics.

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Encouraging boys to go into girls bathrooms and film them is a win?

All we see is fear over things that have not been increasing in occurrence, as trans have been using bathrooms they wish to use for some time. And the fear is caused because some people think “trans is icky”

“Trans is icky” is being covered up with false concern for women so as to make that feeling seem “more noble”.

Let’s never forget we are catering to less than 5% of the population at the possibility of it hurting 95% of the females. This and now men competing as men in the olympics! Yay beers for everyone!


Let’s not forget you’re making an argument that has no basis in fact.

Children being kidnapped or raped in the women’s bathroom because of laws like this is a reality! Tyranny by the minority is definitely at play here. Olympics same thing.

You need to read more carefully.

I’ll post another

It’s pointless. The crowd you’re addressing won’t even acknowledge the rise in crime in major cities on account of progressive policy failures.


What they defend is perverse and tyranny by the minority and it encourages lewd acts like this. It’s so unsafe I can’t let my daughter even use the restroom by herself anymore. Yay! We now opened the door for perverts to commit more crimes!

Arguing over bathrooms again. Tsk, tsk.

You are right about that.

Show how these incidents had anything to do with trans policy.

There’s no data to show these incidents would not have happened anyway…or that they are on the rise.

There simply isn’t.

Gonna have to come up with another “noble” reason. To cover up the “trans is icky” feeling.

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Lol the data shows if anyone can go into a woman’s bathroom and the law permits it then crime will happen, this has ballooned outside of trans rights. And you know it. This is what happens when you cater to the minority over the majority. Although the intention is nobel the result is disasterous.

The intention is to follow the equal protection clause.

If a law violates it, it is unconstitutional. Has nothing to be noble or not.


What’s most amazing about progressives is that they claim they are passing bills to help the most vulnerable in society, when in reality there isn’t anyone more vulnerable than women and children and bills like this encourage nut jobs putting women and children at risk.

Read the rest of what I said.