Trans, Homosexual, BIPOC Have Become Bullies & Are Untouchable

I agree on the kids part, but for different reasons. I don’t trust the parents. This could be their way of getting attention, almost a pseudo Munchausen’s. When the child is capable of making adult decisions the parents can support them then. I don’t think it matters how attractive the transition is, which is the sole reason parents seem to make about hormone blockers and such, the transition is more convincing and the child turns out more “attractive”.


i don’t believe claims on the internet.


If it is determined by a clinician and the parents that this is the care that is best for the health and safety of the kid… then I won’t stand in the way.

Suicide rates among trans teens is way higher than average… and if gender affirming care is what keeps the kid alive then who am I to say no to that to satisfy some personal belief of how things should be instead of how they are?

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So about the same number that were killed in Chicago on Saturday.

Where should we focus are attention to get the most help for our dollars?

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Lmao, haven’t heard that term in forever. Full disclosure, my son is Gay and has been with his partner for I think 10 years, so I have “a dog in this fight” so to speak.

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And sometimes, it’s because their entire “community” violently and maliciously turns on them the moment they break from the pack to try and be decent towards an undesirable.

RIP, Daphne.


I saw FMJ while I was browsing for something to fall asleep to last night. :rofl:


“Bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose”


“You don’t look like no steer to me so that kind of narrows it down!”


Best part of that movie and it was not scripted. He did that all on his own. Helps when he was an actual DI.

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“Best part of you ran down your mommas leg and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress”

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I was with you until here. You contradicted yourself. And this doesn’t address the fad element either.

If it is rare (but real), why are the rest of us required to accommodate for it?

I’m also not buying the ghost thing. If we agree that gender is a social construct, why is society required to adapt to the exception?

Being lqbtq is not a fad.

You guys I swear. You can tell who doesn’t have k-12 aged kids or who doesn’t work with the current generation.

Kids today definitely support lgbtq more than any of the prior generations. But they don’t become lqbtq, because it’s the cool thing to do. That’s absurd


Cartoon caricature

It is for some.


Why do they?

No, it’s a thing.

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Some just are


Some kids are just gay/trans. It is who they are. It’s not a fad

And some are claiming they are, it’s a fad.