Toxic masculinity and white privilige. What to do?

Every case of what you true believers call “toxic masculinity” I am aware of has one thing in common. All but a very few have another thing in common.

Any guesses?

Or would you rather move on to white privilege?

Who taught these sons of bitches that women are subordinate and owe them?

No. I don’t think that women are subordinate so there is nothing for me to discuss on that issue.

You focus on Erin Gjoni and Zoe Quinn, but not on all of the other nonsense around it which was spurred on by fear of girls coming into their space.

If you want another example of toxic masculinity, the Proud Boys is another good one.

From what I have read, that they are females is not the problem. The story lines of their “games” is.

Proud Boys. Mmmmm. Got the name from Disney’s Aladdin? Real masculine.

So what is masculine about them? I read they are discouraged from masturbating or watching porn so they can meet women. Strange behavior.

They seem to thrive on political violence?

I think you are dismissing the concept rather quickly.

The through line with the three examples given, gamergate, incels, and proud boys is deeply rooted in what their vision of how women should and shouldn’t behave which would strip them of their agency… making them subordinate to men.

It is the “masculine” concept of being dominant over women that is one of the things that is being labeled as toxic.

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Huh. That’s not what my research is telling me. Of course I am depending on the internet. I think you congregation members are adding 1 and 1 and coming up with 3.

The amusing thing to me is how you all think women need your protection. Your outrage. You don’t understand power.

You realize of course they will eventually strip you of your “agency”?

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Are men not “dominant” over women?


I like that.

In social science, agency is the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. By contrast, structure is those factors of influence that determine or limit an agent and their decisions. Wiki

Which is interesting coming from collectivists such as yourself.

What I enjoy most about our conversations is that you are telling me what I believe instead of mounting counter argument.

Well it has been fun. Going to work.

Have a good night.

That’s ridiculous. At no point did I tell you what you believe. A counter argument to what? You spread cow dung and call it gospel. You aren’t thinking for yourself, you’re regurgitating the GLN.

By whom?


And you think you’re thinking for yourself more so than us? Interesting.


Violence is a common outlet for a lot of sexually frustrated men.

In what sense?

And this is you telling her what she believes.

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And there’s the real question…

“Her”? That would explain a lot.

No, that’s me telling her what she is doing.