polls from yesterday
good news for trump
michigan +1
michigan +1
pennsylvania +1
texas +10
texas +10
florida +12
florida +5
missouri +16
nebraska +14
wisconsin +1
good news for no one
pennsylvania E
new hampshire E
good news for harris
michigan +3
california +26
new york +18
ne-2 +12
Then when you consider the polls may be off like they were in the next two elections, this won’t be as close as it looks if that happens.
Hillary was up 6 points at around this time in 2016. Biden was up by 9 points and won by 3 or 4.
Then when you consider the polls may be off like they were in the next two elections, this won’t be as close as it looks if that happens.
Hillary was up 6 points at around this time in 2016. Biden was up by 9 points and won by 3 or 4.
hopefully the polls made the corrections.
we shall see.
AM polls for us political junkies
good news for trump
Tennessee +24
ohio +8
indiana +16
michigan +1
good new for no one
North Carolina E
North Carolina E (yes, two different polls with the same result)
good new for Harris
illinios +16
new jersey +14
virginia +8
michigan +5 (outlier?)
not an outlier, but right on the edge
October 30, 2024, 8:10pm
I call foul with Quinnipiac in Pennsylvania. I just checked and it has Trump as +2. October 7 it had Harris at +2. 9/16 it had Harris at +5. 8/12 it had Harris at +3.
If Trump wins, are they going to claim to be one of the most reliable polls around? I don’t think so.
October 30, 2024, 8:57pm
You think they’re cooking the books ? Trump has gained a lot of ground in the last month.
This is from Nate Silver’s feed yesterday:
LOL… check out MI. They’re like a ping pong ball. Them and Bloomberg, pure garbage.
October 31, 2024, 1:41am
I really wish this dang election would get here.
I’m about polled out.
and talfalgar….lol. they are just consistently wrong.
If the last two elections are any indication of polling accuracy, Trump will win an electoral landslide. If they got it right this time around, it will be close.
They are actually more consistent. Yes, they shade about a point toward the GOP, but the difference between other pollsters Trump +1 and their Trump +2 isn’t all that great (in fact, its within MoE) The difference between Qinnipiacs Harris +6 and EVERYBODY ELSES Trump or Harris +1 is ridiculous and comparing them is ludicrous.
I know the masters tell you to hate them, but…
October 31, 2024, 4:40pm
40+ million people have already voted. The election is here.
Those are only the illegals voting so doesn’t count
who told you it didn’t count?
1 Like
glad the authorities are on top of this one.
who knows who he voted for.
could go wither way.
84% errors favoring republicans.
thats just a bad pollster.
October 31, 2024, 5:13pm
You know who doesn’t poll out?
with an average error of 4.3
and the one your defending has 80% favoring democrats with an average error of 4.7
so what is the point you’re not making?
quinpacaic almost as bad 80% favoring D.s
emerson looks best and balanced.
lets see what they say in their latest polls
WI +1 T
NV +1 H
PA +2 T
MI +1 T
NC +2 T
AZ +3 T
looks like a barn burner according to emerson.