To My Republican Friends

Dude, that’s all he does when he’s not in charge. You think Trump is capable of sharing the spotlight? When has he ever shown any self-control at all, much less that level?

Biden is stringing her along because she was nice to Trump.

Political vengeance.

Bringing her into his team should be automatic…she is more talented than Fauci.

Trump will likely steal the spotlight from Biden if things get bad.

Good point.

We know the media will never ignore Trump.

Hell no the media won’t ignore him. And think about how it would go for whichever Republican is trying to step up. All that mealy-mouthed sniping from the sidelines.

And like you said, he’ll give cover to the dems, the media will use him to not report on dem fails. The comparisons will never end.

I would prefer he not go away either.

Folks have a right to hope he goes away but tens of millions of Trump supporters will never agree with them.

There’s no reason or way to be positive about what biden has planned policy wise either. A return to the obama BS or even worse if some have their way.

The media isn’t going to report biden fails regardless.


Trump will be pointing out D failings. Media will be forced to report or cover. Either way Trump will help drive narrative.

Boils down to who is telling the truth.

After Jan 20, no one has to pay attention to Donald Trump ever again.

And we all know, being able to tell the truth is not Trumps strong suit.

Compared to Biden??? Trump is the last honest elected official.

Millions of Trumps supporters, and Trump, will demand we pay attention to him… and I hope they keep demanding it

That whole group; Jim Jordan and the rest of the circus needs to shut up.

Be for policies, not against everything. Take it away from them. Legalize weed. Everybody already knows it’s going to happen anyway. Why not get out in front of it as a small government point?

And this blind refusal on healthcare needs to go. “Socialism! Aaaagghhh!” isn’t going to work anymore. Figure out a way to address the issues, not just “SOCIALISSSSSMMMMM!!!”

Yeah socialism, so what? Address the concerns. How can we keep it in the acceptable box? How can we prevent it from creeping? From not being redirected? Make sure the money is there?

The people republicans need to attract like Obamacare. Build on it. Why would I not agree to pay $700 a month more in taxes than taxes plus $1,800 a month in crap health insurance that I lose if I’m not working? I won’t lose my healthcare if it’s a tax.

People are finding new ways of making a payday now. Embrace it and support it.

Embrace a solution for DACA while insisting on working on stemming the tide. The DACA people are here and we aren’t going to deport them. It’s not going to happen. Stop carrying on about it and address the millions in limbo. They contribute now, embrace them. MAGA can work for Latinos, it always has.

Include anybody who shares the vision of a great America and accept that there are different ways it can be great.

Decouple China. Encourage good actors to trade. Stay out of regional wars. Build business friendly operating environments. Reward supporters of the vision.


What reason or way is there to be positive about what republicans have planned policy wise?

Is “pointing out D failings” going to win elections?

Winning the Senate races in Georgia is a block at best. It needs to be won, but it’s not a winner.

The House has the smallest majority in years. Pelosi is on the ropes. Knock her old ass out. To take the House, you have to be for, not just against. You have to be populist, listen to the people, address their concerns.

Keep the Senate, take the House and look at the Court. What power does Jbiden (Harris) have in that scenario?

Republicans should have done passed that relief bill. Nobody cares about debts and deficits when they’re shut down. And the same government that won’t pass it shut them down. Whatever Pelosi wanted, they should have said “Fine”. Pass it then pick it apart. Republicans certainly don’t have a problem with deficits and debts when it comes to their shopping.

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Lying about R failings certainly got some votes… albeit not enough that precluded the need to cheat.

The truth doesn’t matter really…His followers believe what ever they’re told by him.

This is not the “cheat” thread.

Back to what “they” did. That will not win power, no matter how much better it makes you feel. 80 million people don’t care that they “cheated” or failed. You have 70 million. Figure it out.

Are you different?

And to think… at one time populism was the same as socialism to you.

You are indeed learning here, sir. Congrats!