To My Republican Friends

Winning the Senate races in Georgia is a block at best. It needs to be won, but it’s not a winner.

The House has the smallest majority in years. Pelosi is on the ropes. Knock her old ass out. To take the House, you have to be for, not just against. You have to be populist, listen to the people, address their concerns.

Keep the Senate, take the House and look at the Court. What power does Jbiden (Harris) have in that scenario?

Republicans should have done passed that relief bill. Nobody cares about debts and deficits when they’re shut down. And the same government that won’t pass it shut them down. Whatever Pelosi wanted, they should have said “Fine”. Pass it then pick it apart. Republicans certainly don’t have a problem with deficits and debts when it comes to their shopping.

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Lying about R failings certainly got some votes… albeit not enough that precluded the need to cheat.

The truth doesn’t matter really…His followers believe what ever they’re told by him.

This is not the “cheat” thread.

Back to what “they” did. That will not win power, no matter how much better it makes you feel. 80 million people don’t care that they “cheated” or failed. You have 70 million. Figure it out.

Are you different?

And to think… at one time populism was the same as socialism to you.

You are indeed learning here, sir. Congrats!

Yes… I’m skeptical by nature…

Weak. Pathetically weak.

What exactly do you think populism is, Forgotten MAGA Man? Trump’s entire campaign was built on populism. 70 million. Your problem is there are 80 million of them.

:rofl::joy: Of course you are. Different.

Are you going to be ignored by the Biden administration?

Are you?

What did this epidemic teach you about our healthcare system? What will the vaccination program teach you?

Your President said the vaccinations would be at no cost. Do you support that? Is Pfizer paying for the Fedex trucks?

No. I suspect they will find my name among Trump donors and hunt me down like a jackel.

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It taught me nothing about our healthcare system. It taught me alot about open borders… and I don’t mean just the one with Mexico.

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To an extent.

But a split over single payer health insurance or the green new deal =/= a split over undermining democracy.

Well then let me teach you about our healthcare system:

It’s trash.

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All of this would resonate if the goal of the Trump movement was to advance conservative policies. Or ■■■■■ ANY policy, like his populist talking points.

But that’s not the goal. The goal is to pay homage to Trump.

Trump is at a severe disadvantage on that front.

Good stuff.

You should run for office.

This is how you build consensus.

But the goal isn’t advancing policy. The goal is pandering to Trump’s base to get re-elected.

There’s a difference between pointing out irregularities and flat out claiming rigged election. It was stolen.

That is not pro-America. That’s putting a thumb in the eye of the millions of people who voted. And it’s a thumb to the eye of democracy. It is pro-Trump, but he’s the only one that matters to Trump.

The Hunter Biden crap isn’t going anywhere, so drop the conspiracy that Kamala planned this to take the presidency away from Joe Biden.

The damage to our country was already done by the leftist. Who did nothing for four years but try to find a way to over turn the 2016 election.
I could care less about the united states standing in the world.
What the men and women who we send to our state capitals and dc need to worry about going forward is restoring the trust that they have lost with the american voter.
For you to point at the right and cry and say see what you all have done. You evil trump supporters have damaged our country is funny after what the left has done for years.
For four years the left and the rinto’s showed the conservative voters that they were willing to cheat and lie and used the very government who was suppose to protect the citizens of the United States to over turn an election they they did not approve of.
You wonder why conservative voters believe that elections are rigged. All you have to do is look at what went on this election. Rule changes at the last minute. Judges who allowed illegal rules to stand. Judges who after the election say well they should not have done that but we can’t throw those votes out now because the voters did not know that those rules were not illegal.
Trump did a lot of good for the country. Rural America was getting run over by the big city leftist and their rino GOP friends. Trump listened to a group of people who the left believes should have no voice and gave them a seat at the table again.
Trump probably saved the conservative movement.
What you leftist and the rino’s are afraid of is that conservative voters have learned that they do not have to accept the dem lights that the so called conservative leadership has given them since reagan. Because what you call the conservative leadership are a bunch of men and woman that have been in dc so long that they believe they can never be sent home. The trump supporters just proved to them that they only have power as long as they let them.
Conservative voters do not need leftist to tell them how to guide their party. In fact conservative voters who are on the outside are finally taking up the reins and guiding their party back to being what they should be a. A party of bold colors and not pale dem lights.
The heart of the United States has been undermined to long. Rural voters have been given lip service for too many years. The party is finally maybe going to get back to what conservative stand for.
I agree this is going to be dire for the leftist party and the ramifications are going to make it harder for the left to push through their leftist agenda.
But I believe it is going to save the conservative party. The never trumpers are going to fall by the wayside. They can either join the conservative party or go to the left and join the party they have been helping for a lot of years.
Trump has not damaged the conservative party or the conservative movement. The immeasurable damage had already been done by the rinos and never trumpers for years.
Their caving to the left on everything they said they were against. Their giving us dem lights like bush, romney and mccaine was causing the conservative party to become smaller and smaller as voters stayed home because they had no one who gave them a voice.
The party has a chance now to right the ship. The tea party movement tried to change the coarse of the party 12 years ago. The left and the rino’s thought they had driven these people into silence. But here these brave voters are again saying change or we will find someone who gives a voice to conservatives like us.
Maybe instead of focusing on the conservative party you need to look toward your own party split.
Jbiden is going to have a hard time paying back all the far leftist who got him into the white house.
The trouble is already brewing. The bernie votes and squad voters what their pay back and they aren’t going to be happy if they are ignored.