To all of you who liked to call Trump a Bully

If he can degrade himself and ruin whatever reputation he had all in an effort to promote orange man, then I guess he’s the perfect pick. Remember, loyatly only flows one way with the MAGA crowd.

So you’re going to keep a potentially inaccurate opening post up?

That’s what you’re saying?

Mini talked about fair and balanced. I never mentioned it.

I’m asking you if you are going to check out whether you were wrong about your OP or not.

I’m sure you wouldn’t want to keep something up that ends up being wrong, would you?

Yo, the subject is bullies, not free form conservative grievance.

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No. That’s not what I am saying. I’m asking what you’re favorite non biased news source is. And you’re dodging it like Biden dodges reporters.

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Answer my question first about the accuracy of your OP. Quit dodging.

It’s accurate. I posted the news story to back is up. You are allowed to disagree. You have my permission. Now keep your word and tell me, what is your favorite unbiased news source. Quit dodging.

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A story with more detail contradicts your OP.

How are you going to address that? By simply ignoring it?

No news sources are unbiased.

That’s why it’s a mistake for you to rely on just one set.

Now…how are you going to handle the contradictory information that’s been provided to you?

This has to be one of the most spectacular and hilarious threadfails of all time.

Thread premise gets demolished, OP tries to change subject to bias in media because OP needs to try to prove that everyone else’s media sources are just as bad as the one that faceplanted as a source for the thread.

Yet you are here contributing and helping keep my thread going. Notice the irony? Feel free to complain about my thread…Please.
Thanks for you help.

It’s not a network, but BNO News is a very neutral source for news.

Ok. I’ll take a look.

Hearsay evidence isn’t the best.

With trump we have direct evidence.


Right. I get it. Any questioning of Kamala is not permitted among libs. Nothing to see hear. No need to dig any deeper.

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Dig all you want but get direct evidence of her bullying, not hearsay…

That’s what I am asking.


Have you ever given Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything? If so, when?

That’s what I’m asking.

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Who said that questioning Kamala isn’t permitted.

She was questioned…in the link in your OP.

The link was evaluated with new information and found to be not telling the entire story.

Speaking about somebody who shouldn’t be questioned…you are adopting that stance about your own thoughts.

Your thoughts in your threads aren’t to be questioned. Sometimes you even whine about it when it’s done.

You duck and dodge any question asked about your own thoughts…just as you are doing right now.

What’s your question about her? Where has she fallen short?

We have direct evidence of trumps bullying.

When you get some on Harris get back with me for discussion.


Kind of going with the “at least they’re talking about me” credo here, eh?



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