Time to stop attacking Biden and start

And sports and it wasn’t democratic leadership. That’s a fairy tale you have to tell yourself. Red and blue states shut down at first. All of them.

This is verifiable but no things have to be completely made up because arghl blarghl dems

The ability to rewrite history is astounding sometimes.


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They don’t care. The true believers don’t care. They will say anything and everything. Make up things that we all just lived through. Because that’s just how their mind operates.

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Up next…dems made him do it argument. :rofl:

They keep forgetting who was in charge of Fauci and who had all the power to fire him. They keep forgetting who asked for triple stimmies.

He didn’t shut down the states. He did not for sure but to brush over what we all lived through is just perfection

That war lasted so long I forget why it started in the first place.
Something’s wrong with that picture.
Neither side made any progress in the last year.
What’s going on… :thinking:

It was up to the states and the compare and contrast with CA and FL answered the question by June 2020.


The pandemic began in March of 2020. The entire country shut down. Democratic leadership. Your true belivism is there for everyone to appreciate.

Democrstic leadership had no control over Fauci

I don’t blame President Trump for the Covid deaths. I don’t blame him for the country shutting down though the cdc is part of the executive he was operating based on the country’s mood and had little to no choice but to keep Fauci on but to blame democratic leadership is inane nonsense

While it is often difficult to discern between Palestinians and Hamas I should have pointed to Palestinians.

Engagement leads to better outcomes unless the state is like Iran where economic sanctions and pressure are far more effective than military responses.

Russia is a nuclear power and I am not happy with how democrats are demonizing and escalating the current conflict. More diplomacy is needed. Democrats are not offering this.

Where the hysteria went south was dragging out the shutdowns through the election cycle thanks to Newsome and Cuomo and replacement Cuomo in a pantsuit.

The pandemic money abuse was horrific.

Thanks to sleepy grandpa and his DEI minions.

The covid relief funds were released during the Trump Presidency.

You didn’t read that article. That’s an article about secret service getting the money back. :joy:.


I agree 100% with Trump’s policy regarding Palestinians. Isolate Iran, Isolate the Palestinians and engage the Arab states towards peace. When Palestinians are finally convinced they’ve lost, and are forced to admit defeat, the problem will be solved. Engaging with Palestinians has only led to more intransigence as it gives them the false impression they are winning or can win.

Engagement with Putin is futile at this point. He is a megalomaniacal despot living in an information bubble. Again, I agree with Trump, give him the chance by telling him it must stop, and when he doesn’t, flood Ukraine with more and better weapons. Putin’s latest “peace” proposal is all the proof one needs to see it.

What needs to happen is we need to double down and arm Ukraine with more and better weapon systems and munitions and stop this insane policy of giving them enough to not lose but never enough to win. Particularly air defense weapon systems and munitions and airframes and long-range precision munitions. Lend lease, sell them to them by letting them borrow and pay back later, give them to them, I don’t care, just get them to them.

Like the Palestinians, when Putin finally figures out, he cannot win in Ukraine and continuing to occupy can only result in his own downfall, then diplomatic engagement can work, but not until then.

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More on Covid.

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Democrats have been actively trying to toss their political opponents in jail. All while lying about “save the democracy!” Democrats are lying hypocrites.
Add to the fact that democrats opened the southern border…democrats then lied repeatedly about the status of the border. The result of the democrats dishonesty and open borders policies have been the needless deaths of thousands of Americans, the needless rapes and entry into the sex trafficking industry of thousands of illegal migrants, and while we the taxpayers are footing the bill to the tune of billions of dollars a year the pay for the democrats open borders…the Mexican drug cartels have made billions in profit at our expense.
Democrats are actively endorsing men competing in women’s sports and their entrance into what should be private safe spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms.
The lying hypocrites in the Democrat party repeatedly attack the Republican nominee as someone who does not respect our precious “institutions”, yet those same democrats have no problem attacking by name the members of the Supreme Court.
Lastly, those same lying hypocrites, have repeatedly engaged in election interference. Russia Russia Russia, the lies told by the 51 intelligence agents about Hunter’s laptop, and the repeated and now obvious attempts to cover up the mental decline of Joe Biden immediately come to mind.

Democrats need to be defeated…perhaps for their own good. That political party has become a haven for liars, hypocrites, big government authoritarians, and hard left whack jobs.


Trump had Iran broke….they couldn’t afford to fund terrorism.

Then Biden and the democrats showed up and the Iranians were back to selling oil for big money.

It’s not a stretch to wonder if the events of October 7 2024 would never have occurred had the idiot Biden’s policies allowing Iran to get rich again not been in place.

Thanks to Biden and the democrats innocent Israeli’s were butchered, tortured, raped, murdered, and taken hostage…

Innocent Americans were included in that list…innocent Americans are still being held hostage if they are still alive.


moreover… it was authoritarian dems who screeched about mask usage and deputized themselves over it, and of course, dictator wannabe leftist (aka democrats) who mandate the vax


Yes the vax mandate was all dems. The country shut down in its entirety. Saying it was all dems is a fantasy.

the genesis of shutdowns, mandates etc. was urged and demanded by the maniac bureaucrat left.

not just the vax.

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Right it’s always the left. Including rainy days.
Blaming the maniacs for everything takes away the ability of the strong America first republicans who love this country and apple pie to say no! How weak of them.

They managed to say no just fine within a few months. It’s always the left fault though…

yes that is actually true

like i said, eventually you will come to accept this.