Time to stop attacking Biden and start

going after democrats policies…since we all know they’re one and the same.

It was democrats that opened our border for invasion.
It was democrats that wanted to shut down our economy during covid.
It was democrats that wanted to defund the police.
It was democrats that wanted to spend trillions on green engery that only raised your electric bill.
It was democrats that wanted to force people in giving up their gas vehicles and stoves.
It’s the democrats that wants to indoctrinate your kids.

Feel free to add onto this list.


I for one am kind of sick of groceries being three times as much as a year or two ago


too bad it’s almost impossible to buy a house.

better luck next decade for all you young happy Democrat voters


how many politicians kids went and got rich in Ukraine yes Democrats and Republicans

Can we pls stop sending them dozens and dozens of billions of dollars?


…but, but, but…prices stopped going up as fast so…Brandonites have been fed all is good now. Haven’t you heard them regurgibleat that nonsense here in HannityLand? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Right-wing echo chamber. :wink:


High energy prices are driven by natural gas.
Solar and wind are bulwarks against that.

So, IYO, how long should we continue to fund the stalemate in Ukraine?

Biden already fixed the problem.

At least for now, American gas will stay in America.

july of 22… you had to go back that far to back up the leftist lie?

no, he created a new problem and solved nothing

Court enjoined Biden decree after 22 states sued saying it was an arbitrary act unsupported by law. Biden…authoritarian threat to our democracy.

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the census release last week belie that statement.


new home sales are steady.


This is 11.3 percent (±15.5 percent)* below the revised April rate of 698,000 and is 16.5 percent (±16.2 percent) below the May 2023 estimate of 741,000.

Sales Price
The median sales price of new houses sold in May 2024 was $417,400. The average sales price was $520,000.

Uh, huh…who can’t afford that…especially at these present day higher interest rates?


the poster’s post belies reality

what’s new right?

get ready for them to tell you groceries are lower too.


Make ending all wars a priority. Hamas and Russia need to be engaged in a better way.

Improve relations with Russia and China while also addressing trade imbalance with China.

Study Covid origin and response. Vaccine mandates were wrong.

Democrat leadership micromanaged and shut down economy for no measurable outcome.

Trump consistently advised keeping economy open and was 100% correct. Many people still do not understand this.

Must work to restore transparency and trust to health agencies. Won’t happen under democrats.


:joy::joy::joy:. You were there. How do you just make something up like that

Why? :man_facepalming:

why should anyone engage with Hamas, they’re terrorists? It would be bad for America to engage terrorists with anything that doesn’t blow up.

why should we stop Russia from kinetically demilitarizing itself? It’s good for America for our adversaries to weaken themselves.

America First!

and beaches, snd parks, and playgrounds….

because they love to play dictator

you’ll eventually stop denying this because i know youre smart

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