Time to push School Choice


Any politician voting against school choice should have to send their kids to the lowest performing school in their district.


Why? You haven’t shown that school choice raises educational outcomes. Nor have you shown that school choice leads to better schools.

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Tell that to the plaintiffs in the NJ School Desegregation Lawsuit who are representing the black and brown students.

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We’ll try it and see.

We see what your system is producing. 18% reading at or above grade level. Math about the same.

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We are already trying… what are the results? And how do they compare to cities/states that don’t have school choice.

There is a reason why you can’t or won’t post the results.

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Nah, piece mealing isn’t trying. You failed. Move out of the way.

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Piece mealing?

Where’s the data…

You failed. You don’t matter anymore.

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The reality is that the current public school model is very flawed and doesn’t work, especially for many black and brown students:

And there’s plenty of people like this person above and like the plaintiffs in the NJ School Desegregation Lawsuit who are pushing for school choice. Why is that? Why can’t everyone just accept where government tells them where their kids should go to school?

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Ever notice how those opposed to school choice have no actual life skills of their own?

They can only code until the Tesla blows a breaker. :rofl:


That’s one families opinion, which should be considered in the Chicago Ed board decision. However, Chicago also seems to have their data that shows it isn’t working as intended.


Also it seems that their school choice system is not a voucher system. It sounds similar to my district in CA that allows kids to apply to other schools within the district, even if you aren’t zoned for it.

Chicago. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Who cares. Meh.

People want school choice and they are getting it. There are kinks that have to be worked out just as with any new endeavor.


I couldn’t find anything about the efficacy of Chicago’s school choice program or the views on the parents in your link. Here’s something that I found ironic though (from your link):

Chicago school leaders want to move away from the district’s system of school choice — in which families apply to a myriad of charter, magnet, test-in, or other district-run programs — according to a resolution the Board of Education will vote on this week.

This is exactly one of the solutions being proposed by the plaintiffs in the NJ School Desegregation Lawsuit!!! And whether or not it’s a voucher system or allowing students to attend schools out of their town, the motivation is the same, which is to provide more choices for students!

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Exactly. You never see libs criticize any programs or policies put forth by lib politicians.

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Only the ones that reduce the power of the state.

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The high schools still had those shops when i was in school. :+1: :grinning:

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Here’s this charter schools:


** Black charter students outperformed their district-school counterparts by 19 points (59% testing proficient or better vs. 40%) in English and 27 points in math (61% vs. 34%).*

** Hispanic charter scholars outdid their regular-public-school peers by 16 points (55% vs. 39%) in English and 25 points (61% vs. 36%) in math.*

Overall, charter students scored seven points higher on the English exam, with 59% testing as proficient, vs. 52% at schools run by the city Department of Education.
On math, charter kids scored 13 points higher — 63% proficient or better, compared to 50% at district public schools.

As directed by the state Board of Regents, the State Education Department keeps dumbing down the tests to paper over pandemic-related learning loss, yet the fiddling can’t hide the fact that kids attending charter schools make greater advances than those stuck in DOE schools.