Time to disband ATF

won’t matter, won’t be a lot of them, money always ends up in the bank sooner or later and the APTT forsees this and the rate is .6% for cash deposits and withdrawls

Actually they do, and they sure as hell create lot of regulations on their recommendations/behalf.

so where are the NOAA agents enforcing these laws?

Out on trawlers and fish processing boats etc. :wink:


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then they shouldn’t be. enforcement and policy should be separated

Then who?

we have a federal law enforcement agency. One is enough. No ATF, No SEC, No SS (other than protective service), No NOAA cops. The other agencies should be referring cases to the enforcement agency (Think IG), not involved in law enforcement.

What does FBI know about fish?

they don’t need to know anything, the NOAA can refer the case to them

You can’t implement until you enact.

That would require em being on fishing boats, trawlers, processing ships etc.

All regulations that are created and enforced by Agencies are based on Statutes enacted by Congress and signed into law by the President. Regulations are the written policy of those Agencies. And NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) enforces regulations issued by that Agency.

when did I say you could? If you don’t understand that when I said it would not be hard to switch I was talking about the implementation or mechanics of it, oh well. That part would be easy. Getting it through congress? Kinda think that all that welfare in the tax code might make it a heavy lift. With an APTT their are no subsidies, there are no tax credits, there are no carry over losses, their is not EIC, there is no child tax credit, no mortgage deduction. No breaks or penalties at all. What’s more, they cannot be built into it, because there are no returns, no adjustments, no reports, no anything. So if Congress wants to give some money away, they’ll have to vote to do it and not disguise it as a tax credit.

Perhaps, but they are. That was the point.

Besides, the FBI’s job is to I investigate crime, not enforce bureaucratic regulations.

true enough, that does not change my mind about it being no different than having those who legislate, execute.

Too bad that what you think doesn’t matter. :wink:

matters just as much as your opinion does to me

What I posted was not opinion.