Time to consider socialism with the failure of capitalism greed

Well that’s pretty simple.




It’s been pretty steady at between 12 and 15% since 1965.

After dropping from nearly 25% in 1960 :laughing:

Thanks for proving my point lol nearly a 50% cut since 1960

Also, great job using nominal $s

Alot get paid for life collecting disability, not paying property taxes, free healthcare, easy mortgages.

Yep. Cut poverty by almost 50%. Thanks for pointing that out Rose

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The reason for the GI bill was to avoid a situation like the bonus army.

Actually what I was thinking about was people who grow up poor and then have a child when they are still in their teens.

So she was wrong by five years, file a lawsuit.

There’s some truth to that but with hard work and family support eve that is not insurmountable.

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Why? We already know socialism is a failure thanks to Cuba and Venezuela!

Ah…the old “if we can have public libraries then why can’t the government control all aspects of our economic and personal lives” argument. Seen it a hundred times in this forum.


Part of the compensation package.

Yes…that is what I said …or even implied, that I want "the government to control all aspects of our economic and personal lives”

I do not.

Nice try at the straw man though.

Sure you do. You advocate for it here every day.


Bull feces.

Get some new glasses.


Some are blind, yet can see.
While others, only see what they want.
Some, only see what they are capable of seeing.

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Confession? :thinking:


Then we know that capitalism is a failure too.