Time Person of the Year: Climate crisis activist Greta Thunberg

Or, in her case, paid sponsors for a staged event. :wink:

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Fair enough. We’ll see.

Just making a general statement. The table was set to draw in fights about one another here on Hannity, not about the girl.

Speaking of Greta, did she ever go back to school, or is she still refusing to get an education until the world literally changes the weather for her?

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For real though, if you’re telling me in an official capacity that you consider it a bait post I’ll delete it. Especially considering you moved the thread. The distinction is important.

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I have no wonder why threads get moved.

None at all.

Trust me.


In fairness, neither does anyone else. :wink:

Google is apparently not your friend.

Correct, I use DuckDuckGo, because I’m not obscenely old and outdated. :wink:


she cant be criticized?

this is ridiculous hyperbole like most of your posts

can she be criticized?

Not when the bait thread starts off the way this one did. Total set up by grown ass men using a little girl to make their petty forum points.

It’s as if they woke up this morning with the express intent on inflaming themselves. :rofl:



they are quick to establish the narrative. indeed

Remember the outrage that Baron’s me was even mentioned?


Check out how it unfolded. Libs made it clear that they were gonna accuse everyone of insulting a kid, then fell over each other dogpiling on the first conservative to post in the thread.

It doesn’t get anymore deranged than this, folks. “bUt TaN mUsTaRd!” :rofl:


mocked. not “mentioned”
go watch cbs

the “cause” is a global scale wealth transfer scam

she’s been brainwashed by her leftist idiot parents and mother media.

she also may have other mental issues from what i hear. she should be getting help, not attention at the U N

That’s different.

Actually it is, since Baron is not allowed to do much but got to his Golden Spoon School and grudgingly follow, when allowed, his parents who are most oft out somewhere grifting off the American Taxpayers.

OP needs to add a bit more commentary. ‘This will tick off Trump’ isn’t quite enough. I know you want the thread to stay up for discussion.


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We are in for a two hundred post attacking an autistic kid.