I gave you my reasons. I’m not going to write a book about it. There is tons of information on the interweb. Have you done any research? I recommend it. It’s a target rich environment. Let me know what you find (BTW don’t trust google).
The search function is your friend.
Yes, the Chinese government will learn all about our teenagers’ dance moves and fashion tips and will use them to destroy us.
You’re literally advocating for government censorship. We don’t need big daddy government telling US citizens what information we can and cannot interact with. I’m genuinely surprised any “conservatives” support this nonsense.
Rabbit R1 AI
The hell is that?
Nowhere close to a good enough reason. If ya don’t trust it, don’t use it. An attitude I apply to a very large number of native websites starting with Google.
Although nothing is a more powerful tool for manipulation than knowing what jerks a knee (good or bad).
Couldn’t agree more! Good on Trump for changing his position.
What are they data mining and hacking with tickToc?
Good point.
They’re all playing Burger Time with Ronald Reagan.
With the annoying orange it seems that whoever had his ear last is the direction he takes.
That’s exactly what he does. He doesn’t care about Tik Tok or the 2nd Amendment or any principles. He wants to be president and he wants the US to be rich.
Anytime somebody says “The government should ban…”
What I hear is “I can’t handle freedom.”
The govment ain’t ya mama or daddy.
Anytime somebody says “The government should ban…”
What I hear is “I can’t handle freedom.”
The govment ain’t ya mama or daddy.
The sad part is only 65 House members voted against the ban.
Very sad. Garbage.
They imagine themselves shepherds.
How can this even be enforced?