Thug Culture State of Mind

Want to bet if there’s a man in the home?

What does that have to do with her getting hit in the head by a stray bullet?

Somebody fired it.

What does that have to do with a man being home?


It’s not good guys with guns or too few gun laws that is the problem. It’s thugs with guns who don’t obey the laws we have.


Remember the nitwit who said the criminals would give up their guns if regular people were disarmed?


Not offhand, but that is how a lot of hoplophobic libs think.


Do they work for the Joker or something?

And then Obama went big and tries it with nuclear weapons.

The one looks like a Ken doll, idiot thugs.

Ken may not have been anatomically correct but he was more masculine that those two.


Much of thug culture is rooted in the parenting of the thugs.

For a great example, look at the parenting skills of the kids who were abandoned in their apartment, with one of them long-dead (and killed by the mother’s boyfriend.)

Same question was raised regarding the two kids who killed their Spanish teacher. Lib response: “What does that have to do with her getting killed.”



Yeppers. Thug is often a generational thing.

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It is absolutely key for males to have proper men to raise them. Boys who are never exposed to the teachings of proper men never learn to control their emotions, how to act logically, and become self destructive idiots with absolutely no self discipline.

Which is how we ended up with all of these thugs. They have no positive male role models in their lives. Their fathers are gone and the men in their lives often had no fathers in their lives either. It’s a cycle of destructive behavior.

Fathers need to man the ■■■■ up and start raising their boys. Or barring that, their mothers need to find some positive male role model for them to learn from. A good grandfather makes a perfect surrogate dad that a boy can learn from.

For all of my mother’s faults (and trust me there’s a ton) she at least recognized early on that I was going to need something she could not provide. A good stable father figure. So I moved in with my maternal grandparents when I was 7. I was raised primarily by my grandfather, who is a good, decent man who taught me how to control my anger, how to act logically, and how to be a man.

I hate to think how I would have turned out had I been raised solely by her and the revolving door of men in and out of her life at that time. I’d have probably become a statistic. Probably just another thug.


Asian baby

Excellent points. Great post. :+1:



Mile High Thug Club

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