This segment of the White House show is brought to you by Goya

Why does Ivanka need high level security clearance?

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So she can peddle Goya food.

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There’s nothing in this picture that suggests basketball celebrity.



Because lies are classified?

Was she an employee? Did she have an official position as an advisor, or on any committees?


Uh Oh! Now you did it! :rofl: You know it’s "D"ifferent if Michelle Obama does it! :rofl:

I just bought a years supply of Goya chicken bouillion.

I already have plenty of frijoles negros in my post-apocalypse store of food so I won’t be buying those. But wait… gotta buy some Goya rice… be right back.

(Went to Amazon…)

There … just ordered $100 worth of Goya rice. Different kinds. And some rice flour. It will go into my temperature controlled cans with locking lids and be a welcome addition to my black soy beans, frijoles negros, white wheat, freeze dried apples, broccoli, kale, okra, tomatos, peppers, strawberries, and canned chicken, turkey, beef, three kinds of fish, jerky, buckwheat, quinoa, corn, and more. When you people destroy the country, my family and I are good for a year at least. And I will have you all to thank for the rice.


I knew this question would come up :roll_eyes: An endorcement from a First Lady with heavy media coverage carries a hell of a lot more weight then a First Daughter holding up a single can on social media. Michelle wasn’t just hocking fruits and veggies in her “official” WH healthy food campaign (which she imposed on our school lunch system - btw) she was hocking Goya foods as well!! :astonished:

So if leftists, the MSM and those suffering TDS want to imply criminality in what Ivanka did then I want to know if there is a statute of limitation on the supposed crime since Michelle Obama would be guilty as hell if there was.

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Okay yeah it’s a clear Hatch Act violation but can we talk about how ■■■■■■■ terrible Trump’s Large Adult Children are still this kind of play?

Remind me, which Heath and Wellness expo Ivanka was attending when she took that picture?

Just more normalizing of scummy behavior, we continue in this escalation of abandoning ethical norms to the detriment of the country.

Stuff like this is going to boomerang on Trumpers and so called conservatives, but lib tears and con tears are not worth the path in which we are headed…

So what you are saying is holding a can in a tweet ribbing Libs is an endorsement. But standing in front of a whole display at an expo, where you know they do endure products is not endorsement.

Don’t pull a hammy with that stretch.

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Woo hoo!

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Now all they need is some string and they could make public service announcements educating children about how telephones used to work…

Definitely 5th ave syndrome.

Trump has blood on his tiny hands.


My hammys are fine. Understand the setting and there is a difference. I’ll concede that it’s minor. But it’s there.

That’s an endorsement, right?

It doesn’t matter.
Trump is above all rules and laws.

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