This lie should sink the Biden campaign

Investigate away.

Declassify the whole mess

That is my position.

I knew of this Post story before you came here and peddled the Breitbart version of it.


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Your job is to advertise for the Post?

Do you include yourself in your “some folks?”

How can you possibly believe that Joe was unaware that Hunter was being paid 50K per month by a Ukrainian company? How could anybody believe that? C’mon man!

Some folks want to believe. They need to believe Some of these folks are from Nebraska. :relieved:

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To think Giuliani used to be someone who was quite respected.

Then Trump happened…


Joe Biden and his wife made 500,000. You know he released his tax returns from last year.

500,000 is comfortable but not filthy rich.

Maybe you should come up with another point.

Since one sunk like a lead ballon.


I guess so. I’d start getting pissed if it was me as it’s painfully obvious that they’re being like fiddles


No. It’s to make you aware of what’s going on outside of libworld. Your welcome. :innocent:


It is a political truism.

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This is not a complicated question.

So you think the entire story is fake? Invented by Post? Maybe CNN and the NY times should investigate this and nail them to the wall. Right?

Compared to what Trump makes that is practically a tycoon

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This is what you are using to keep my thread hot?


Indeed. I’ll answer…


No, invented by Giuliani.

No. It is a waste of resources and time to investigate every “Hillary had an alien baby” story that is put out by disreputable outlets like the Post or the National Enquirer.


Sure if they feel it’s newsworthy enough but at this point a Trump surrogate lying is just another day that ends in Y.


Trump is a billionaire and self funding his campaign.

He told me so himself as my mailbox is full of spam of him begging for money.



I just heard a rumor (maybe started by Giuliani) that Biden is stepping down. This scandal is too much.
And…Obama just turned himself in.

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It’s not “hot” for the reasons you think.

Right! We wouldn’t want to interrupt their boring, nonstop Covid ramblings to check out a claim against their candidate. The same candidate who’s son was being paid off. That’s just crazy talk. Besides, they might discover something they don’t want to discover.

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At least the OP is honest and calls Giuliani’s umfounded accusation out for what it is