This is your America as it stands

The National debt has increased by over $2.5 trillion since the chosen one took office.

well his supporter keep saying they love his actions, just now how he says stuff

so they love this trillion dollar deficit with full employment

Regardless where you lived, in morning when you bought your coffee, or gone to work you passed Times newspaper dispenser/box…or when you walking into a local store to buy a pack of ciggs.

no they didnt

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Oops :thinking:

This is off the nytimes front page…I know I know…liberal rages blah blah

Liberal propaganda knowing they have zero credibility after pushing the Russian collusion lie!

You need to work on a more reliable news source.

Come on…obviously the NYT was lying in that report.

Sowhat? They’re not failing by any stretch.

People read news online these days. Fewer people get a physical newspaper. People have more choices in media these days.

Welcome to 2019.

They’re not failing, but Trump says, and you believe.

Trump says.

One can actually back up their claim.

One is a sitting US president whose only MO is just to blame and insult.

And you believe him because…( R )

Normally, when evidence is presented that shows one was wrong, one should go back to the source that told them the wrong information and begin to scrutinize whether that source is reliable, and start looking for corroboration.

There’s not enough of that these days.


That’s funny coming from TrumpCons!

Because they are frauds

You’re a lib, so you shouldn’t have any problems with the NYT.

Let me know when I’m spouting authoritarianism…I’ll punch myself.

So like they did with Obama.


Make sure to take before and after photos.

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Yeah…do on libs as they do onto others.

Content. As you can see I said I don’t agree with it but libs need a taste of their own medicine.

Hold illegals indefinitely? Congress needs to get on the ball and get them back to their own country more quickly.
Or, in the rare case that they qualify for asylum, get that processed more quickly.
Increase funding to ICE and immigration judges.

Hey! trump just ■■■■ on another group, go defend him.

They don’t really know where to go what with that Russia thing falling apart.