This is why we have minimum wage laws


It’s why we here in the us have minimum wage laws.


And some dont but cant get ahead…

That may be why you do it. I’m not saddled with notions similar to yours being evidenced in this area.

Do you tip? Being underpaid is the entire reason the practice started in our culture. It is not done in many other countries and they find it strange.

If they work in a restaurant and are not part of management, and often them too, they are underpaid.

Greed ia a terrible thing

I do tip.

But in no way because I consider someone underpaid. In fact it is immaterial to me what someone’s wages are. A well paid waiter gets no different treatment from me than an in theory poorly paid one.

Also, it’s okay if people get left behind while they just do what they’ve done in the past. It’s okay if there is none of this economic justice the Left crows over, so long as someone is not in arrears there’s no injustice if the other is poor. It’s okay if people have to do without because they cannot afford what they want. And it certainly isn’t the government’s job at any level to put its fingers on the scales, again unless someone is in arrears.

As I said, I’m not saddled with any Leftists thinking and I’m a better and wiser person for it.

Greed by proxy posing as generosity with other people’s means, even if for the imagined benefit of others, is worse.

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I’m no social justice warrior, but I also don’t have a problem with there being a minimum wage or with the notion of increasing it substantially. It ain’t like that is a step toward equality of outcome.

Just had to make a socialism rant huh

Why do they then?

Sonic doesn’t have waitresses.

I don’t. I do it because try counts.

What is the highest ideal in society?

Are you still doing either one?

Do you own a business that pays minimum wage?

Nope…im not 15 for one and that other job bleeds people

Then the system worked.

Not really

Absolutely did.

20 nopes

Of course it did. Minimum wage (or less) jobs are supposed to suck. So you don’t settle for them and block the flow.

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