This is why we have minimum wage laws

Oh i underatand it…i just think the owners are skirting the law…

It’s called loopholes :smiley:
(not saying it’s right, just saying loopholes that are legal)

Yeah gonna have to disagree here…i loaded rail cars woth pipe for ten an hour. I roofed when i was 15 for ten an hour…you get lazy work at all levels of pay and you get hard working folks at all levels…

And here is the problem with your thoughts. You want to say people should be paid what they are worth. That people should work hard and they will get further.

Its a contradiction to me

Yeah…see if this is. .

“Doing the right thing” consisted of saving their business franchises in that area. If they had not, they would have had to close down. Some other fast food franchise would have moved in to fill up the demand…and likely they would not have run ads for people working at $4 per hour.

Where’s the contradiction? Hard work pays. Learning an adaptable skill and parlaying that skill to an advancement within your current employment or another opportunity rises your stock and increases your demand. So if your employer is unwilling to give you a raise, then you find opportunity elsewhere that will. That employer will get a bad name for low wages and will naturally draw talent from a lesser pool. That employer’s quality will go down, and the company will start to lose money.

Yea, I’ve “done business” with Sonic over the years too (lol) those young ladies aren’t paying for large parts of college with fast food tips.

plural actually.

It’s an entry level job, not a career. They are entitled to be paid what the market will bear. If the employer isn’t paying enough to keep decent help they won’t be in business for very long.


Then why do most of them have more applicants than job openings the majority of the time?

People want the jobs, they aren’t there to make careers of them.

Books, tuition, room, board, spring break. Whatever they needed or wanted the money for.

Because people at these lower paying jobs still work hard. Doesnt mean they are worth less.

What kind of sonics was this? Was there a cover fee? Free ladies night…?


Just goes to show how employers have all the leverage and why minimum wage is necessary

Their labor is worth what the market will bear period. Nearly 90% are part time workers in their twenties or younger just trying to make a few bucks, build some resume’ cred and get some experience working. Not career minded people seeking or getting full time employment and trying to raise a family.

Im sorry gw and i are having a conversation…a pleasant one…but if you want to talk more about this sonics you put. Numerous women through college…id love to hear about that…

Some people become content. That doesn’t demand higher wages.

That’s like tipping at McDonald’s


The market is bearing 10 bucks an hour here in jersey starting in July.
