This is why racism exists. The abbreviated version

What do you think of the OP? Is that theory plausible?

No. Itā€™s nurture not nature.

How do you know? Try to keep an open mind. If true this could help de-politicize race. And that would be good for all. Right?

Yep, so?

Good question.


Wait, yes.

There are probably millions of people in America who hate cats. Just because they are cats. For some reason their brains are wired that way. Does it stop with cats?


I believe racism is a result of environment and nurture.

If a child is raised in a racist household, then chances are that child will grow to be a racist.

Not in every case, though. Thereā€™s always exceptions.

Thatā€™s a good, open minded reply.

Cats suck.

Thatā€™s because they arenā€™t the clean slates we once thought. See: Haidt.

Wait. Are you creating a Tower of Babel narrative and then imputing it to Christians?

Iā€™m sorry did I upset the white people are particularly evil trope?

Demonstrably false, unless you believe this country is as racist as it was forty or a hundred years ago. Racism is neither hereditary or incurable.

Not convinced. Organized systems that are widespread through society is not a spontaneous failure of the amygdala of an entire culture. Rather, it is a development of ideas and assumptions built over time, which lead to the alteration of the behavior of affected persons.

Nope. You arenā€™t evil if you arenā€™t perpetuating systemic racism.

Thatā€™s what he saidā€¦ nurture.

Nope, plenty of kids raised by racists arenā€™t racists.

Even if you dont believe in systemic racism, the fact remains that policy changes in policing need to happen to eradicate bad actors.

Ok buddy

Which is why he said CHANCES ARE.