This is Why a Lot of People Don't Believe the Media

This is actually a perfect analogy for trump.

Anyone can be a good poker player if they have an endless supply of chips backing them (Trump’s dad) and players surrounding him that help him win.

Trump is a terrible card player though. When faced with a ■■■■ hand and a tough table, he literally doesn’t know what to do.

Economic withdrawal.

Partner with other nations such as Taiwan for unessential products and return essential production to North America…Preferably in US proper.

We can do better and China has proven unreliable and untrustworthy.

No need to be provocative…just goodbye dollars.


That is a terrible analogy and just shows the narrow TDS scope of your forum input.

Thanks anyway.


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This right here is an excellent post!

Trump ran against the herd with his travel restrictions.

This saved lives and more importantly got everyone’s attention.

Critics, CDC, and supporters all.

The failure was to focus on nursing homes. Maybe Trump could have done more…so too could the states.


No he did not. This fiction has been spun and spun to death now.

Trump put a toothless restriction in place with respect to China that still allowed thousands and thousands of people to enter America from that nation every single day. Not a single one of them getting tested upon entry to our nation. And then allowed to immediately freely roam, spreading whatever they may have carried with them among the population.

It was a joke of a “ban” that did nothing other than give him something to cling to as “action” when it is obvious looking back now that he failed in every single aspect of this crisis. He wasted months of the most valuable time we had, and now tens of thousands of Americans are dead that could have been prevented.

History will be absolutely brutal to Trump on this one. It will use him as the example of what NOT to do when a global pandemic is a real threat.

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You can certainly spin it to an absurd angle.

The fact is that his restrictions were met with derision and even Biden was forced to change his tune 6 weeks later.


Trump ignored the intelligence briefings and warnings coming from his own damn administration for weeks and weeks on end. He, as President, had access to the real time information that this threat was coming to our shores. And he failed to act. There were warnings back in November an December. Those warnings only grew into January and February. And he failed to even attempt to act until the middle of March! The result is tens of thousands of additional Americans have needlessly died because of his failure. There is no way to spin this dark truth. This is reality.

Trump was faced with a crisis in his Presidency, just as most all other Presidents before him. And he failed spectacularly in the face of this crisis. His failure has equaled dead Americans. And now, he is trying to blame everyone else for HIS failures. WHO, China, Democrats, Biden, the Media, whatever. No. That will not fly. He is the President and he alone is responsible.

These additional deaths are on his hands. As an American who loves my brothers and sisters, and weeps for those lives that have been lost needlessly, I am furious. I am saddened. I pray for their loved ones and empathize with their grief. He needs to be removed from office for his complete dereliction of duty. Come November, I will be doing my part and voting against him. Until then, I will be working tirelessly to convince as many people as possible to get out and vote against him as well. Our nation cannot afford another crisis with him at the helm. He has lost enough lives already.


This cannot be repeated enough. What good is a travel restriction when you are still letting in thousands from the interdicted area?

Why conservatives point to the travel restriction as a great accomplishment is beyond me. I guess it was better than doing absolutely nothing.

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The bold above nails it. They literally cannot point to any other action taken. They can point fingers and play the blame game until the cows come home. But they cannot articulate early and frequent action that had substantial impact in lessening the outbreak here.

Damn, what a libbish answer.


Here’s another thing… A lot of what Trump RESPONDS is the result of loaded press questions. Constant hostile and loaded questions.

And truth be told, when initial initial panic predictions were in the millions, and then more studied and serious predictions were lowered to almost a quarter million, then yes, 100K is a success. Anything less than the commonly bandied 240000 is a success.

Are you a fiction writer?

That comes across as rather forced and imaginative.

Markets are responding well again today. I like that story better…

…besides Biden can’t beat him.




Media generated hysteria.

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These are the facts. Deny these real lives lost in favor of the DOW if you must.

You don’t think the successfulness of an operation should be measured against the cost?

Just making sure I can find this later.

I am still not sure just how many we lost.

A lot of verification is still lacking.

You say 100,000…Birx says maybe 75,000…Only 2 percent had no other medical compromise so maybe it was only 2000.

We need a study.


Tell that to the families who have lost loved ones across this great country of ours.

I’m not sure of the point in downplaying the realities of this crisis. Is backing a politician really that worth it? I just don’t get it. There has never been, and will never be a politician that will have earned that type of adulation from me. They’re politicians for the love of Pete.

Who’s Pete? Bootyjudge?