This is Why a Lot of People Don't Believe the Media

I don’t believe you :wink:

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What would you say if you were asked that question? What is the right answer? What purpose does asking the question have?

And don’t cop out here by saying you’re not the president. I want to know what you think as an American.

Do you suppose reporters asked Eisenhower if D-Day was a success based on the number of Allied casualties?

The obvious lack of impartiality is the reason so many distrust the Media. It has nothing to do with lying.


They should have been able to win with fewer than 70 million deaths. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The left is pushing ahead with full zealotry and glee with a 6 digit talking point. :man_shrugging:


Exactly. From a virus we were lied to about so China could spread the misery.



Apparently that was the goal.

Six figures of nursing home victims…No saving hospitals, we can lay them off now that they are viewed as infection centers.

China has motive and proximity to starting for POLITICAL gain.



Here’s a question; since China is 100% responsible for these deaths, what should the US response be? President Trump is playing the hand he’s been dealt and if there’s any hostility towards him by anybody, what do those same believe should be done to the dealer?

Don’t know…but it would be a legitimate question.

Bad analogy…But I’ll play…Dealer doesn’t pick the cards, so not his fault in any way. And a good poker player can win with ■■■■ cards. To quote the movie “Rounders”

“Why do you think the same nine people end up at the final table at the World Series of Poker? Are they the nine luckiest guys in Vegas?”

Actually, it was a perfect analogy and since China did stack the deck, it makes it even more inflammatory and your response…predictable.

The question was asked because the President is going around bragging how “only 100,000 deaths” is a success.

In your eyes…

And he played the cards he was dealt like ■■■■ , he was the fish at the table. Does prevailing only when the odds are stacked in your favor make you a good leader? A good leader, be it a general, sports figure, ceo etc…prevails when the chips are down, they over come. And that’s Trumps weakness…he has been handed everything on a silver platter his whole life, can’t deal with adversity. And when he fails its always someone else fault.


Actually…I believe Trump has done an excellent job. He stopped the flights from China while you and all other libs labeled him a racist for it. Can you imagine the number of deaths that “we” would have incurred, if he listened to the likes of you? Now…repeat after me…orange man baaa baaa, baaad :sunglasses:

Now…repeat after me…orange man never never baaa baaa, baaad. :sunglasses:


I’ve got to get back to work. Thanks for the laughs. :sunglasses:

Always a pleasure…:grin:

Chuck Todd?


Trump is the one who suggested 100K dead was proof he did a great job,

The issue here is, we’re not done at 100K.

Reporters are trying to clarify his POV on what is a ‘good’ level that proves his great handling of the pandemic.