This is what you're using a against Trump? Are you people crazy?

No, why?

I’m claiming this. Any candidate who promises that every American will get the exact same plan, word for word as congress, will get my vote. My congressman should have to show up and sit in the waiting room for an hour just like everybody else. There is a reason that the congressional plan is called the “gold plated” plan. Give us all the same gold plated plan. Or give us nothing.

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Where’s is this gold plated plan in writing? I’d like to see it.

Remember that time you created a thread about Congress not wanting the same healthcare plan as us and I showed that:

a) they currently have to get their plan off of the Exchange
b) Sander’s Medicare for All bill specifically requires them to be covered by it as well

Now it’s time you actually do the same if you want people to seriously engage with you. Show where any Democratic candidate is advocating or this in their platform.

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Sanders promises it. I’ve showed you where his Medicare for All bill specifically requires it. I look forward to your vote for Sanders.

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Because under democratic social justice, the government gets to decide pay equity.

The phrase “democratic social justice” would indicate the people as a whole decide who gets social justice and who doesn’t.
Who’s proposing the government decides who gets paid what outside of minimum wage laws and perhaps huge CEO salaries?

Pretty much, take everything that got them beat by a reality TV star in 2016 and doubled down on it.

He will be cancelling government, union and congressional insurance and forcing them all on to medicare? Has he actually said that? I want to hear it in his own words.

Who should get to decide how much a CEO is allowed to earn? And what qualifies them to make that decision?

Us, the People, and because we rule.

I don’t have an answer for that, I just know that there are some folks who support limiting their pay and so I wanted to acknowledge that in my answer so that you wouldn’t bring that up as a reason to say my statement was wrong.

I think there is an issue with income inequality in the US as a whole and that we need to do something about it… I’m not exactly in the camp that we should limit CEO pay… I take greater issue with golden parachutes, but I don’t subscribe to any particular solution to that.

Read the ■■■■■■■ bill. I’ve already pasted the relevant portions.

Why is it anyone’s business what somebody else earns? If you think somebody else makes too much then too bad. Life is hard. And we don’t rule. The constitution does not allow us to rule. It provides us with our individual rights and restricts the tyranny of do gooders.

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We rule… we just have a Constitution that makes it very hard to do certain anti-liberty things… but even these can be changed with enough votes.

Any candidate who promises that every American will get the exact same plan, word for word as congress, will get my vote.

Here’s the problem. I never asked for your explanation.

Just say it, out loud. Using his own voice. Is that too much to ask? Am I being too demanding? Seems like a simple request to me.

You forgot sacrificing small animals to satiate messiah Obama.

Our constitution doesn’t provide our rights, it protects our God given rights. One of those rights is the ability to govern, or rule, ourselves. We put people in congress that represent our interests, and if one of those is income wage caps, then so let it be.

It is not our God given right to decide how much money anyone gets to earn. Who do you want to give that right to?

It is our God given right to enact minimum wage laws, it is our God given right to enact maximum wage laws. I don’t need to want to give that right to anyone as it already belongs to Congress.