**I am tired of the Dems, especially right before elections getting out the big guns to take down Republicans and especially this President. He is not perfect. No President ever has been. ** If the Republicans across this country and in Congress do not start fighting fire with fire, and show the unlawful and lies of Liberals, and Socialist Dems, we are going to loose this country to other countries or to a very strong Socialism. Conservatives need to UNITE. We are going to see more indictments and lies going on from now through the 2020 election.
Obama, Sorros, Franken, Keith Ellison (who gets out of everything) the Clintons are part of the deep state and organizing this movement. If someone does not take them down (figuratively) with the truth about them; we will loose the mid-terms and 2020. Conservatives need a back bone.
This picture of Trump:
John McNaughton painted this picture of President Trump and named it “Respect The Flag.” The painter says, “I painted President Trump picking up a shredded and trampled flag off the football field. He holds a wet cloth in his right hand, as he attempts to clean it. I respect America. I respect the flag, the anthem, and the President; because he doesn’t back down to those who do not.”
The “ruling class” hate not only Putin and Trump, but also Hungary, Poland and all East Europenas who dont submit to their agenda, the new goverment of Austria and that one of Italy, which arent globalists either. Soon they will hate the entire world…