This is the President I know

The President who tosses out the reddest of meat while calling peaceful black protesters “sobs of ********” and white supremacists “good people”.

Yeah, it’s the President I know too.

Probably not.

Funny picture! But trump is much much fatter than that, his hands are much much tinier, his skin is much orangier, and his hair is much pinker. And he has zero respect for anything or anyone. Respect is a one way street for that lowlife dog.


Further evidence of the creepy similarity to NK (and a bonus one from Maos regime) in this twitter thread:

I mean, it’s not like we didn’t already know Trumpists long for fascism with their man in charge, but it’s rarely more obvious.

This is the Kim Jong Ill that his followers new:

Totally creepy. But like that “painter of light” dude, this guy sees his chance to sell ■■■■■■ prints to stupid people.

Wow. Just…wow.

You are correct… It wouldn’t be till January, actually

Not then either, sorry.

If Trump goes down it will be because of him hoisting himself on his own petard of indifference to the rule of law.

How can Fat Donald retain a security clearance? How can this man keep a security clearance when it is proven he has hired and associated with so many vioaltors of Federal crimes? Especially with some of those associates engaged with and beholding to foreigners.

If anyone should be getting their security credentials pulled it us Donald Trump.

cmon OP…thats embarassing…

You’re a true patriot! Trust the plan! Enjoy the show!


What a load of Partisan tripe.

These are great. The Mueller one especially.

Unless DEMS get a 67 vote Senate majority in November, there is zero chance.

Zero chance for what?

That DEMs will take Trump down.

You think McCain wouldn’t vote to impeach?